{"id":1100984,"date":"2021-11-02T12:08:19","date_gmt":"2021-11-02T16:08:19","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/coincentral.com\/?p=22405"},"modified":"2021-11-02T12:08:19","modified_gmt":"2021-11-02T16:08:19","slug":"what-is-yield-app-yld-a-guide-on-the-defi-focused-app","status":"publish","type":"station","link":"https:\/\/platodata.io\/plato-data\/what-is-yield-app-yld-a-guide-on-the-defi-focused-app\/","title":{"rendered":"What is YIELD App (YLD): A Guide on the DeFi-Focused App"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

<\/span><\/span><\/span>YIELD App is a custodial app that allows users to earn up to 17% APY for YLD token holders on a variety of cryptocurrency assets. <\/span><\/p>\n

There are a few notable aspects of YIELD App\u2019s value proposition:<\/span><\/p>\n

  1. It\u2019s custodial but offers exposure to DeFi and other digital asset investment strategies. <\/b><\/li>\n
  2. It doesn\u2019t charge gas fees. <\/b>Most DeFi yields succumb to high gas fees. <\/span><\/li>\n
  3. It pays interest daily.<\/b> <\/span><\/li>\n<\/ol>\n

    Users can earn up to a whopping 17% when maxing out the YLD loyalty and rewards program, which we\u2019ll get into below.<\/span><\/p>\n

    YIELD App currently supports four assets (USDT, USDC, ETH and BTC) for earning APY. Its native YLD token is automatically staked when held on the platform to earn additional rewards and provide access to higher tiers.<\/span><\/p>\n


    <\/span><\/span><\/span><\/span><\/span><\/span>\u201cWhen we launched YIELD App it was with the express intention to open up DeFi to make the high yielding opportunities in this sector available to everyone,\u201d says Tim Frost CEO of YIELD App. \u201cWe are pleased to say that we are succeeding on that mission, with close to 60,000 users now enjoying our platform across the world. In the future, we expect DeFi and the broader digital asset wealth management ecosystem to continue to broaden its user base, particularly in the developing world where products and services such as our own are most valuable.\u201d <\/span><\/p>\n

    Rewards are distributed every 24 hours and can be redeemed at any moment. They are not automatically added or compounded though, instead if you want to reinvest your rewards then you must reinvest them inside your account. The company plans to add auto-compounding in the future.<\/span><\/p>\n

    The YLD rewards earned on your assets are stored in your portfolio while the YLD you earn on your staked YLD (wallet balance) will only automatically compound and accrue in your YLD wallet. <\/span><\/p>\n

    YIELD App\u2019s minimum investments are set at 0.03 BTC, 0.1 ETH, and 100 USDC\/USDT, respectively. <\/span><\/p>\n

    How Does YIELD App Work?<\/span><\/h2>\n

    YIELD App is a <\/span>digital asset wealth management platform that targets a minimum rate of return for our users.<\/b><\/p>\n

    YIELD App claims to seek the highest risk-adjusted rate of return within the cryptocurrency financial ecosystem through a diversified portfolio that is designed to minimize volatility.<\/span><\/p>\n

    The portfolio team aggregates all user funds and invests them across various crypto-based investment strategies and DeFi protocols. YIELD App aims to reduce the capital required as well as the transaction expenses, complexities, and time cost an individual would face trading on their own. <\/span><\/p>\n


    According to the site, YIELD App curates \u201cbespoke opportunities in partnership with industry-leading quant funds, miners, market makers, and other proven DeFi investment managers.\u201d <\/span><\/p>\n

    YIELD App uses its own automated and proprietary portfolio allocation tools, research, smart contract auditors, and approved counterparties to deploy and manage the assets it manages for users.<\/span><\/p>\n

    \u201cWe run an actively managed portfolio that is overseen by a team of experts in decentralized and centralized traditional finance,\u201d adds Frost. \u201cWe focus on highly liquid investment opportunities that are low volatility and, most importantly, sustainable. We recently hired a new Chief Investment Officer, Lucas Kiely, who brings a wealth of experience from top tier firms such as UBS and Credit Suisse and who will be helping to strengthen our fund strategy further.\u201d<\/span><\/p>\n

    <\/span><\/span><\/span>Although the baseline passive income APY that YIELD App offers for cryptocurrencies like BTC, ETH, and USDC is above-average, <\/span>the value proposition drastically increases when combined with its utility reward token, YLD. <\/b><\/p>\n

    YLD holders can scale their Tier level with the number of tokens held, potentially adding an additional 7% APY on the base asset and 10% YLD on YLD when holding 20,000 YLD tokens.<\/span><\/p>\n

    Frost explains: \u201cOwning the YLD token is a way for our users to boost their returns up to a maximum of 17% APY. We have a Tier system, which means the more YLD users hold in their wallets, the more they earn. For example, the base APY on stablecoins (USDT and USDC) is 11%, but Tier 5 users that hold more than 20,000 YLD earn a further 6% in YLD on the base asset, plus a further 10% on the YLD they hold, also paid in YLD. <\/span><\/p>\n

    \u201cOn top of this, users get rewarded for supporting our ecosystem via additional rewards on the YLD portion of their portfolio. Last but not least, it allows users to participate in the growth of the token\u2019s price as the YIELD App grows and expands. We make it really worthwhile to invest in our token.\u201d <\/span><\/span><\/span><\/span><\/p>\n

    YIELD App\u2019s documentation states that the company frequently adjusts rates both up and down in line with market conditions in order to ensure the sustainability of its model.<\/span><\/p>\n


    The company also supports the stability of the YLD token by periodically purchasing YLD tokens on the open market. This can be viewed here: <\/span>https:\/\/etherscan.io\/token\/0xf94b5c5651c888d928439ab6514b93944eee6f48?a=0x1a11848434cafa84a676e70459015407ec15b542<\/span><\/a>   <\/span> <\/span><\/i><\/p>\n

    YIELD App <\/span>publishes company performance<\/span><\/a> and other relevant metrics bi-weekly. In addition to the total number of assets on the platform, it also publishes treasury rebalancing addresses (where the company buys back its YLD on the open market) and the total number of tokens purchased.<\/span><\/p>\n

    What are the Risks?<\/b><\/p>\n