{"id":1105290,"date":"2021-10-01T10:33:48","date_gmt":"2021-10-01T14:33:48","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/medium.com\/p\/987ea86b7a32"},"modified":"2021-10-01T10:33:48","modified_gmt":"2021-10-01T14:33:48","slug":"ar-the-present-and-the-future-of-retail-loyalty-programs","status":"publish","type":"station","link":"https:\/\/platodata.io\/plato-data\/ar-the-present-and-the-future-of-retail-loyalty-programs\/","title":{"rendered":"AR: the Present and the Future of Retail Loyalty Programs"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

Innovative immersive technologies have long been proven to be effective in business. E-commerce company Shopify released data that interactions with products having AR content showed a 94% higher conversion rate than products without AR.<\/a><\/p>\n

Augmented (AR) and virtual (VR) reality technologies have been used by both local and world-famous brands for many years. Even show business\u2019s stars use AR at their concerts.<\/p>\n

But in this article, we decided to dig into a particularly noteworthy and very promising segment of the implementation of AR \/ VR technology \u2014 innovative retail loyalty programs.<\/p>\n

My name is Andrey Tymoshenko, I am the founder and owner of Live Animations. Our team has been creating projects in the field of AR \/ VR \/ MR \/ WebAR for over 7 years.<\/p>\n


1. How VR could bring transhumanism to the masses<\/a><\/p>\n

2. How Augmented Reality (AR) is Reshaping the Food Service Industry<\/a><\/p>\n

3. ExpiCulture \u2014 Developing an Original World-Traveling VR Experience<\/a><\/p>\n

4. Enterprise AR: 7 real-world use cases for 2021<\/a><\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n

About AR \/ VR Loyalty Programs<\/strong><\/p>\n

In this article, I would like to elaborate on innovative loyalty programs in food retail, where the implementation of augmented and virtual reality technologies is becoming a new trend and is increasingly replacing more traditional solutions. All below-described loyalty programs are aimed at bringing gamification to the shopping process, and therefore their mechanics almost always are based on the toys, games, or both at once. They turn a simple shopping trip into an exciting, long-lasting enjoyable adventure. Their target audience is families with children, although it should be said that such programs sometimes target an older audience as well. Still, that\u2019s a story for another day.<\/p>\n

In any case, the teams that created and implemented them have gone a difficult path, and every time there is a challenge: new ideas and their implementation.<\/p>\n

In most cases, these programs are initiated by retailers themselves, but sometimes FMCG brands or marketing agencies participate as well.<\/p>\n

Innovative loyalty programs often have the following goals:<\/p>\n

\u25cf strengthening the emotional bonds between the retail brand and customers;<\/p>\n

\u25cf increasing sales of partner\u2019s products within the marketing campaign;<\/p>\n

\u25cf making a profit from the sale of toys or other special items;<\/p>\n

\u25cf increasing basket size of shoppers;<\/p>\n

\u25cf increasing purchase frequency.<\/p>\n

  1. The Loyalty Program Created by Kinder and UK Retailer Tesco \u2014 Jump into Africa.<\/strong><\/li>\n<\/ol>\n

    The program was launched to promote a new range of African wildlife toys hidden in chocolate eggs.<\/p>\n

    To immerse themselves into an unforgettable AR experience, customers had to scan the QR code attached to the price tags of the promotional items and point the smartphone camera at the space between the shopping aisles in the supermarket. After this, a magic portal appeared right between the supermarket stalls. After passing through it, the customer entered the virtual African savannah and met animated versions of friendly toys waiting for him. Also, an information window appeared above each animal featuring amazing facts about it.<\/p>\n

    The company claims that this case was a success. A strategically competent approach is responsible for such a result. Here are the ingredients of success:<\/p>\n