{"id":1211783,"date":"2022-03-10T23:46:17","date_gmt":"2022-03-11T04:46:17","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/bitpinas.com\/?p=26842"},"modified":"2022-03-10T23:46:17","modified_gmt":"2022-03-11T04:46:17","slug":"zyori-discusses-whats-next-for-axie-infinity-esports-and-origin-in-the-philippines","status":"publish","type":"station","link":"https:\/\/platodata.io\/plato-data\/zyori-discusses-whats-next-for-axie-infinity-esports-and-origin-in-the-philippines\/","title":{"rendered":"Zyori Discusses What\u2019s Next For Axie Infinity Esports and Origin in the Philippines"},"content":{"rendered":"\n


Program Lead for Esports & Content Creators of game developer Sky Mavis, Andrew Campbell (aka Zyori), discussed the current and foreseeable esports and gaming ecosystem in the blockchain game Axie Infinity during the BitPinas\u2019 Webcast<\/a> last March 3. In this episode, Zyori also shared his knowledge about NFT gaming, and the upcoming Battles V3 (dubbed \u201cOrigin\u201d).<\/p>\n

In the introductory part of the webcast, Zyori answered a question from a viewer about what other Web 3 games he liked aside from Axie Infinity. According to him, being the Esports Lead of Sky Mavis, it was a question that he thinks he has to \u201cofficially say \u2018no comment,\u2019\u201d but he mentioned that he looks forward to seeing more games come into the space.<\/p>\n

Regarding the difference between Axie Infinity and Dota, which he used to play and cast a lot years back, Zyori stated that Axie Infinity is more of a \u201cpretty chill game\u201d and the content and community around the game was \u201csuper raw\u201d when he first started at Sky Mavis. \u00a0<\/p>\n

\u201cI think what attracted me to the esports side was observing this organic energy that I definitely felt in StarCraft 2. I think it’s important when you\u2019re trying to identify budding esports, there has to be some organic traction in people that just care about competing; whether there are prize pools or not, whether there’s tournaments or not. You need that group of people that are just passionate about the competition and maxing their skills and breaking the meta. And Axie totally had that,\u201d Zyori explained.<\/p>\n


Zyori also emphasized that the organic energy of the community is something he thinks gaming entities can utilize to amplify the esports traction but \u201cyou can\u2019t use esports to create that energy if it doesn\u2019t exist in your ecosystem.\u201d<\/p>\n

Moreover, focusing on his role as the Esports Lead, Zyori stated that managing the esporting community \u201cis all about creating storylines and creating opportunities for players, casters and organizers.\u201d<\/p>\n

Regarding the language usage in streaming Axie Infinity tournaments, he stated that Sky Mavis is still experimenting and calibrating on what and how many languages could work on their streams.\u00a0<\/p>\n

\u201cWhat I\u2019m really trying to avoid and plant seed against is Axie Esports becoming this very siloed region vs. region thing. I think if we\u2019re building a digital nation we don\u2019t want our digital nation to be tribal by definition\u2026 I understand that culture is an important part of the story but I don\u2019t think we want to make it like a culture vs. culture thing,\u201d he added.<\/em><\/strong><\/p>\n

Further, Zyori assured the community that Sky Mavis is still currently building the foundations of Axie Infinity and that bullish days are up ahead.<\/p>\n

\u201cI just want to remind people that we\u2019re moving as fast as we can without sacrificing quality and there are so many people coming into the Sky Mavis team that are insanely talented that I can\u2019t overstate how big their impact is gonna be on this project. Quiet before the storm; Origin is coming,\u201d\u00a0 Zyori noted.<\/em><\/strong><\/p>\n

Zyori: Origin is Coming<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n<\/div>\n

Axie Infinity: Origin is set to launch in Q1 of 2021. In a twitter space<\/a> last February 16, Zyori and game products lead Philip La discussed the mechanics and features of the upcoming gameplay. (Read more: Sky Mavis Explains Planned SLP Burning Mechanisms in Axie Infinity Origin<\/a>)<\/p>\n

To fulfill their mission to \u201cbuild Axie alongside the community\u201d Sky Mavis also launched its Builder\u2019s program<\/a> last January. (Read more: Sky Mavis Wants Axies to be in Other Games Too<\/a>)<\/p>\n

On the other hand, regarding Axie Infinity\u2019s in-game economy, the increase in Axie Infinity marketplace fee already took effect last March 7th. According to the developers, the increased fee will be used to facilitate Axie creator codes which will give creators a 1% cut of marketplace volume. (Read more: Why Axie Infinity Increases Marketplace Fees<\/a>)<\/p>\n

Disclaimer<\/strong>: BitPinas articles and its external content are not financial advice. <\/strong>The team serves to deliver independent, unbiased news to provide information for Filo-crypto and beyond.<\/p>\n

This article is published on BitPinas: Zyori Discusses What\u2019s Next For Axie Infinity Esports and Origin in the Philippines<\/a><\/em><\/p>\n


The post Zyori Discusses What\u2019s Next For Axie Infinity Esports and Origin in the Philippines<\/a> appeared first on BitPinas<\/a>.<\/p>\n