{"id":1574416,"date":"2022-01-08T08:20:50","date_gmt":"2022-01-08T13:20:50","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/saastrprod.wpengine.com\/?p=7890"},"modified":"2022-01-08T08:20:50","modified_gmt":"2022-01-08T13:20:50","slug":"how-to-successfully-source-your-first-2-sales-reps","status":"publish","type":"station","link":"https:\/\/platodata.io\/plato-data\/how-to-successfully-source-your-first-2-sales-reps\/","title":{"rendered":"How To (Successfully) Source Your First 2 Sales Reps"},"content":{"rendered":"\n


We\u2019ve talked a lot on SaaStr about how to hire a Great VP of Sales, and how you have to close the first 10 or so customers yourself, and how when you do go to hire your first sales rep \u2014 make sure you hire two<\/a>.<\/p>\n

But how do you get those first few reps right, when you haven\u2019t made the hire before?<\/p>\n

We\u2019ve talked about how to make sure your first reps actually work out<\/a>, as well as The Top 10 Mistakes made hiring reps<\/a>, but we haven\u2019t put a list together of what to do.<\/p>\n

Here are 5 suggestions:<\/p>\n

1.  Use Recruiters and other paid channels.  Or At Least, Don\u2019t Be Cheap Here<\/span>.<\/b>  Even when cash is tight, contingent recruiters at least are still worth the price. If you had a good network here yourself, you\u2019d already have used it.  And the last thing you want is 100 random Craigslist and Angellist responses.  I doubt any will be good enough.  Use a recruiter that does nothing but recruit sales reps at your ACV.  At least to help.  Pay them, and be very responsive to them.  They\u2019re on a contingent basis, so don\u2019t leave them hanging.<\/p>\n

2.  Get them to ideally sell you first by video, at least to share some passion for the product.  Or at least, get them to respond in writing about how they\u2019d sell your product<\/span><\/b>.  Post a video telling them about how great your product is, the rep sends back a video telling you why he or she can sell your product until the cows come home.  This worked well for me as a founder\/CEO.<\/p>\n

Video is an amazingly effective filter, and on your side, it\u2019s a chance to pitch prospective reps on why you are offering a great opportunity for them.  Remember, the good ones you\u2019ll have to sell back \u2026 \u2019cause there are so, so, so many start-ups that are neither Hot nor Obviously Cool.  And they all seem to pay the same.  So \u2026<\/p>\n

3.  Insist on 2+ Years of Experience at Your Deal Size<\/span>.<\/b>  Don\u2019t go too green or inexperienced, at least, not at first.  Later, when you have a real VP of Sales, you can hire all different types.  Including those who have never sold SaaS before, or even, anything at all.<\/p>\n

But you<\/em> can\u2019t.  You can\u2019t because you don\u2019t know yourself.  Again, don\u2019t go too cheap here or you\u2019ll pay far<\/em> more in hard and soft costs in the end.  Get 2-3 years of on-point SaaS<\/em> experience, i.e. at a SaaS company that sells at your approximate price point.  At least, get 18 months as an AE (not just as an SDR).<\/p>\n

4.  Don\u2019t worry about on-point domain expertise<\/b><\/span>.  Don\u2019t try to hire someone out of your vertical or niche.  You can help the rep there.  Instead, try to find someone great who can sell at your price point and type of sale (transactional vs. solution).<\/p>\n

If your product is truly a technical sale, you may need reps \u2014 at first \u2014 that have made technical sales.  That\u2019s true.  But even in that case, the products<\/i> don\u2019t have to be remotely similar.  It\u2019s much more important the ACVs are similar.<\/p>\n

5. References Really Do Matter Here \u2014 from Customers Too if possible<\/span>.<\/b>  Sometimes, references are just a Check the Box exercise.  Not here.  If his or her last boss doesn\u2019t say the rep was great, either pass or at least find out why.  Their last Director or VP of Sales will always say if they were great, or at least, pretty good<\/span>.  If they won\u2019t provide a positive reference \u2014 that\u2019s a big flag.  And if practical, ask to talk to a customer<\/em> \/ ex-customer, ideally one that has bought more than once.  If you get a great reference from both a customer and an ex-boss, and they\u2019ve sold at your price point, and you\u2019d buy from that \u2026 I\u2019d make the hire.<\/p>\n