{"id":2978071,"date":"2023-11-16T07:00:55","date_gmt":"2023-11-16T12:00:55","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/wordpress-1016567-4521551.cloudwaysapps.com\/plato-data\/youre-doing-abm-backwards-heres-why-how-to-fix-it-openview\/"},"modified":"2023-11-16T07:00:55","modified_gmt":"2023-11-16T12:00:55","slug":"youre-doing-abm-backwards-heres-why-how-to-fix-it-openview","status":"publish","type":"station","link":"https:\/\/platodata.io\/plato-data\/youre-doing-abm-backwards-heres-why-how-to-fix-it-openview\/","title":{"rendered":"You’re Doing ABM Backwards. Here’s Why & How to Fix It. – OpenView"},"content":{"rendered":"

ABM has been flipped, and I\u2019m not talking about the funnel.<\/p>\n

Companies looking to execute an ABM campaign have their priorities upside down. The promise of ABM has always been better sales alignment and innovation to drive insights about who marketers should target, in turn arming sales teams with the information they need to close deals.<\/p>\n

Instead, we got a lot of display targeting technology that goes after accounts and not even the right people in those accounts. Around 70% of companies I meet with to discuss ABM start their process backwards. It usually goes something like this: They gather a list of target accounts from their sales team, buy an ABM software platform, and target those accounts and then high-five themselves any time an account that\u2019s seen an impression ends up converting.<\/p>\n

But here\u2019s where these companies have gone wrong. They\u2019re starting with sales NOT marketing. Marketing has the data and insights to know which<\/em> accounts ABM should be targeting \u2013\u00a0not sales. Sales might know who they\u2019d like <\/em>to convert, but marketing has the data to best understand which accounts will actually convert and how quickly as they make their way through the funnel.<\/p>\n

Sales & Marketing Integration<\/h2>\n

Given the nature of ABM and its focus on driving high ACV accounts, marketing\u2019s role shifts from being a sales support team that just provides enablement material to a strategic partner that is accountable for pipeline creation. Marketing is now focused on informing sales about what accounts they should be going after as well as providing intelligence on those accounts to enable better conversations.<\/p>\n

Marketing has the technical skills to assess the ICP, define the digital profile of that ICP, and build a model to identify target accounts. In other words, marketing is best qualified to lead this effort.<\/p>\n

Still, most companies end up missing their ABM-related goals because:<\/p>\n