{"id":3089197,"date":"2024-01-30T07:13:56","date_gmt":"2024-01-30T12:13:56","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/wordpress-1016567-4521551.cloudwaysapps.com\/plato-data\/the-hardest-pals-to-catch-in-palworld-locations-tips-more\/"},"modified":"2024-01-30T07:13:56","modified_gmt":"2024-01-30T12:13:56","slug":"the-hardest-pals-to-catch-in-palworld-locations-tips-more","status":"publish","type":"station","link":"https:\/\/platodata.io\/plato-data\/the-hardest-pals-to-catch-in-palworld-locations-tips-more\/","title":{"rendered":"The Hardest Pals to Catch in Palworld (Locations, Tips & More)"},"content":{"rendered":"

From rocket-fueled dragons to rare elemental foxes, here’s how you can get the hardest Pals to catch in Palworld<\/p>\n


Besides being a surprisingly well-made survival crafter that’s surpassed some of the best free-to-play Steam games in less than a week<\/a>, Palworld also sports more than a hundred different companions in its open-world regions, with some stronger than others.<\/p>\n

Here are the hardest Pals to catch in Palworld, and where to find them!<\/p>\n

The Hardest Pals to Catch in Palworld<\/span><\/h2>\n




First on our list is Frostallion, a beautiful late-game legendary that boasts both an incredibly powerful abilities and insane stat buffs for its icy attacks.<\/p>\n

This Pal is found nearly in the northernmost part of the map and takes a ton of preparation (and even more Legendary Spheres) to catch on your own. Its powerful array of ice attacks make Frostallion a hard foe to take down, so assemble your strongest fire type Pals (and maybe even a certain Fire-type Legendary on this list).<\/p>\n




Grizzbolt is a highly-powerful fighter Pal that boasts melee, AOE and ranged lightning attacks that can erase anything weak to electric types. This gun-toting Totoro <\/em>was also among the first Pals ever revealed in the game’s first trailer. That said, its definitely not an easy catch.<\/p>\n

Grizzbolt is a Tower leader Pal that can be illegally captured in  No. 1 Wildlife Sanctuary, the southernmost Nature Preserve area. This is a Level 20 zone you can access with any surfer Pal you can mount. And if you’re lucky enough to reach the island undetected, there’s still Grizzbolt’s low spawn rate (it can take you ~30 minutes to sight one) and lower capture chance, so bring your best spheres!<\/p>\n

Note that getting caught in a Pal reserve will make you wanted by the PIDF, so weigh the risks carefully and consider visiting the sanctuary at nighttime while everyone’s asleep.<\/p>\n




Another creature of legend, Jetragon posesses a devastatingly strong arsenal of Fire, Dragon and Dark attacks and is the fastest flying mount in the game so far.<\/p>\n

This level 50 Pal is located in Palworld’s lava region, and is by no means an easy catch. However, having a Jetragon in your roster basically guarantees a win in most situations. With a lot of preparation, you’ll increase your chances of getting one of the hardest Pals to catch in Palworld. Here’s how to catch Jetragon:<\/p>\n