{"id":3092091,"date":"2024-01-31T16:00:34","date_gmt":"2024-01-31T21:00:34","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/wordpress-1016567-4521551.cloudwaysapps.com\/plato-data\/macro-guru-raoul-pal-says-crypto-bull-run-could-depend-on-this-aspect-of-digital-assets-industry-the-daily-hodl\/"},"modified":"2024-01-31T16:00:34","modified_gmt":"2024-01-31T21:00:34","slug":"macro-guru-raoul-pal-says-crypto-bull-run-could-depend-on-this-aspect-of-digital-assets-industry-the-daily-hodl","status":"publish","type":"station","link":"https:\/\/platodata.io\/plato-data\/macro-guru-raoul-pal-says-crypto-bull-run-could-depend-on-this-aspect-of-digital-assets-industry-the-daily-hodl\/","title":{"rendered":"Macro Guru Raoul Pal Says Crypto Bull Run Could Depend on This Aspect of Digital Assets Industry – The Daily Hodl"},"content":{"rendered":"

Former Goldman Sachs executive Raoul Pal says the strength of the crypto market\u2019s bull run could depend on one key factor.<\/p>\n

In a new interview with Pomp Investments founder Anthony Pompliano, Pal says<\/a> the crypto market could soar this cycle with an increase in real-world blockchain use cases.<\/p>\n

He also says that re-engagement by past digital asset holders could also boost crypto\u2019s bullishness.<\/p>\n

\u201cThinking about the crowd that got financialized in 2020, mainly the millennial crowd, there are 110 million Coinbase accounts. And when I checked six months ago, only nine million were active. So speaking to the guys at Coinbase, they\u2019re like, yeah, you know in normal activity it\u2019ll get to 35, 40 million and the top will grow as well. So there\u2019s a lot of money still to come in if people who participated last time around have that interest, still have PTSD, will come back in\u2026 <\/em><\/p>\n

I also have a feeling the applications layer of blockchain is going to bring in a lot more use cases. So I\u2019m thinking of this cycle as maybe the \u2018everything, everywhere all at once\u2019 cycle, where people have different unlocks for NFTs (non-fungible tokens) or inscriptions or different unlocks for smart contracts and some of the other things and they can use it for everything from whether it\u2019s ticketing to real-world assets. <\/em><\/p>\n

So it just depends on how far the application\u2019s leg goes. If the application leg doesn\u2019t make much progress this cycle, then you\u2019re dead right, we\u2019ll see rebalancing.\u201d<\/em><\/p>\n

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Generated Image: Midjourney<\/em><\/span><\/p>\n