{"id":875607,"date":"2020-05-14T17:56:16","date_gmt":"2020-05-14T21:56:16","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.coinbureau.com\/?p=5224"},"modified":"2020-05-14T17:56:16","modified_gmt":"2020-05-14T21:56:16","slug":"zilliqa-review-high-performance-sharding-based-blockchain","status":"publish","type":"station","link":"https:\/\/platodata.io\/plato-data\/zilliqa-review-high-performance-sharding-based-blockchain\/","title":{"rendered":"Zilliqa Review: High Performance Sharding Based Blockchain"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

One of the biggest challenges for blockchains right now, if not the biggest challenge, is scalability, or the ability to process more transactions in a shorter period of time.<\/p>\n

Bitcoin has struggled to process transactions, and fees have risen accordingly. The same has happened with Ethereum, where the CryptoKitties craze in December 2017 ground the network nearly to a halt for about a week. Ethereum is banking on a switch to proof of stake<\/a> as a consensus method and sharding<\/a> to improve network throughput.<\/p>\n

However, there is one public blockchain that is already designed with sharding working\u2026<\/p>\n

Zilliqa Overview<\/h2>\n

That blockchain is Zilliqa<\/a>, which had its private ICO in late 2017 and a small public offering in January 2018, making it one of the first new tokens of 2018.<\/p>\n

Zilliqa is the only blockchain that has functioning sharding, which allows the blockchain to scale in a linear fashion as the network grows in size. After running on its testnet for most of 2018, the highly anticipated Zilliqa mainnet was launched in January 2019. Since then the development team has continued making improvements to the security and speed of the network.<\/p>\n
