10 Ways to Successfully Become a Sharper Sports Bettor

10 Ways to Successfully Become a Sharper Sports Bettor

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The truth is that sports betting is much harder than the majority of beginners may think. Therefore, the skilled sports bettor might be around 55%, and some could even approach 60%. A bettor who holds such a win rate over a long period is called a sharper sports bettor. Just like any other worth doing, getting a better sports betting percentage takes time and perseverance. Here are 10 ways to gauge sharp action and become a sharp sports bettor.

Ignore Personal Biases:

One of the greatest rules of thumb in the sports betting industry is not to bet on your teams. Having some extra knowledge about the teams you root for is always good. It is very important to become a sharper sports bettor. However, it is also true that seeing that knowledge from an unbiased perspective is nearly impossible. In addition to this, the emotionally free response to betting is also not good. 

Be Realistic When Getting Started:

You need to develop realistic expectations with anything you put effort and time into. Most sports bettors might find it difficult to profit in the long run. In addition, to start with a realistic goal and become a sharper sports bettor, you must win at least 51% of your bets. If you can stick to that all year, it is not only a good sign, but also you may have what it takes to become a sharp sports bettor. So, if you develop realistic expectations, you can make a living off sports betting.

Use More than One Sportsbook:

By transforming your portfolio, you can increase your chances of getting your investments. But, you must use multiple sportsbooks to become a sharper sports bettor. The major reason behind this approach lies in the way odds change. Therefore, after building an eye for exploring value in your bets, it’s time to apply that skill with various sportsbooks.

Stick To Single Bets:

It is one of the best qualities of a sharp bettor that always stick to single bets and avoid parlays. Some bettors use parlays as a way to find value. This way, they can get a big profit, but the multiple outcomes are unpredictable. You must still figure out the value of learning to be a sharper sports bettor. However, you can find that value in single bets. Sharp bettors are not betting on teams with -200 odds.

Never Chase Your Bet:

Most of the time, you panic if you lose multiple bets. It is natural. Out of desperation, you bet whatever the next game is on the slate, doubling up on what you lost to win it back. More times than not, you lose the bet. Therefore, to become Sharper Sports Bettor, avoid making a desperate bet. If you feel unlucky, stop betting and save it for another day. Take time to get knowledge of the latest trends. Additionally, get an analysis of a game before betting anything. 

Line Shop:

It is the term for taking benefit of the rate discrepancies for the same event at various sportsbooks. Line shopping is a foolproof shot strategy in sports betting to net you huge profits and long-term success. 

Create Budget and Stick to It:

There is no doubt that sports betting has the nearly incredible power to get pure, raw emotion into your lives. Therefore, allowing it to overpower you and spiral out of control is easy. Suppose you don’t want to get too high or too low; set a budget and stick to it. It will help you to become a sharper sports bettor. There are usually two perspectives to approach this from. First, you could set a budget that allows you to use or spend a set amount each month. Secondly, give yourself a set amount of money to start each month without setting further rules. 

Keep Record of Your Bets:

It looks unsexy, but it is nevertheless incredibly essential. It looks very bad to revisit your losses. If you do this, you can prevent yourself from making the same mistakes twice. It will also help you to successfully become a sharper sports bettor. Reviewing and correcting your misguided reasoning will benefit your bets in the long run. 

Place Bet on the Sports You Know:

It is one of the best to win most bets to stick to the sports and games you are already familiar with. For example, if you are unaware of the game of tennis, it is good to avoid placing bets on any tennis tournament. It will also be the best way to successfully become a sharper sports bettor. Just place a bet on the sports you already follow. It will help you to avoid putting any additional effort into getting knowledge of the ins and outs of the new game. 

Talk to Other Bettors:

In the internet age, getting involved in the sports betting community is quite difficult. Join, peruse sports book-related subreddit and sports betting forums, and talk to other bettors you know. It will not only help you to get sports betting knowledge but also help you to become a sharper sports bettor. It also allows you to become more accustomed to sports betting terminology. Additionally, you can also exchange sports betting strategies with other bettors. 


Sharp bettors learn their strengths and weaknesses and never repeat their mistakes. The above tips will help you successfully become a sharper sports bettor. You need to practice them and maintain your winning percentage. 

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