5 Data Analysis Projects For Beginners

5 Data Analysis Projects For Beginners

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5 Data Analysis Projects For Beginners
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Are you looking forward to starting your career as a data analyst but the job listings ask for the experience? No need to worry at all! You are at the right place. Building your projects will demonstrate your skills and help you land your first job. I will guide you on choosing suitable projects as a data analyst beginner that will convince the managers that you are the right person for the job. Selecting the projects randomly may polish your skills but remember that it’s a competitive market and you have to stand out from the crowd. Your portfolio projects must showcase your ability to collect, clean, analyze, and present your data in a visually appealing manner.

Without any further delay, let’s dive deep into these 5 projects that will help you get started in your professional journey:

Scraping Top Repositories for Topics on GitHub
Image from the Project 

Although a lot of public datasets are available that you can use freely but as a data analyst you must know how to scrape data from a website that is more relevant for a particular use case.  Web Scraping is simply extracting the data in an automated manner.

In this project, you will create a separate CSV file for each GitHub topic. Each CSV contains the top 25 repositories under that topic along with some additional information like username, number of stars, and the URL to the repository. It is a great beginner-friendly project to add to your resume and is taught by Aakash N S, CEO of Jovian – a community platform for Data Science and ML. This project also comes with a video tutorial and the link is mentioned for your reference.

Project Link: Scraping Top Repositories for Topics on GitHub

Video Tutorial: Build a Python Web Scraping Project from Scratch 

Social Progress Index Analysis
Image from the Project 

Social Progress Index is a measure of how much a country cares about the development of its citizens. In this project, some of the primary factors like basic human needs, well-being, opportunities, health, safety, shelter, etc are used to predict the SPI score. Completing this project will enable you to perform similar kinds of analysis on other global reports that are released on annual basis.  Moreover, these insights are helpful to measure the progress of a nation toward its sustainability and developmental goals.

Project Link: Social Progress Index Analysis

Covid-19 Data Analysis Project
Image from the Project 

Such projects show your ability to analyze, interpret and visualize real-world data. In this covid-19 data analysis project using Python and Tableau video, you will learn how to perform exploratory data analysis using Python and see how to build a covid-19 dashboard in Tableau. You will get an idea about the impact of Covid-19 in India and the vaccination status. Using Tableau, you will create plots about the global cases, deaths, and recoveries.

Project Link: Covid-19 Data Analysis Project

YouTube Sentiment, WordCloud, and Emojis Analysis
Image from the Project 

Text data has grown exponentially in recent years and using the word cloud is an excellent way to visualize and compactly present this huge information. In this project, you will learn about sentiment analysis by figuring out how a youtube video was perceived by the audience based on their reactions and comments on it.

Project Link: YouTube Sentiment, WordCloud, and Emojis Analysis

HR Analytics Project for Beginners
Image from the Project 

This is an amazing end-to-end project that you can add to your resume and is also beginner friendly. You will make use of Power BI to solve a real-time problem from the HR domain. You will learn how to gather and transform data using Power Query, create metrics using DAX and create a dashboard, etc. For more details check out their complete playlist by clicking on the link given below:

Project Link: HR Analytics Project for Beginners

Completing these amazing 5 projects will build the solid foundations that you need as a beginner but it may not guarantee you a job. Hence, you must continue building projects to hone your skills. I am sure that with the abundance of open-source datasets available online, you will never run out of the opportunity to practice your skills. Do let me know in the comment section about your views regarding the above-mentioned projects.

Kanwal Mehreen is an aspiring software developer with a keen interest in data science and applications of AI in medicine. Kanwal was selected as the Google Generation Scholar 2022 for the APAC region. Kanwal loves to share technical knowledge by writing articles on trending topics, and is passionate about improving the representation of women in tech industry.

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