54. Are You SCARED or Are You HUNGRY?

54. Are You SCARED or Are You HUNGRY?

Source Node: 2693043

On Episode 54 of the podcast, Broke Boi Crypto (@BrokeBoiCrypto) and Crypto Ewok (@CryptoEwok) discuss:

– Bitcoin rallies back to 28K, ETH to 1900

– FOMC meeting on 6/14, will it be the final rate hike?

– Settling the eHEX vs. pHEX debate – how both will succeed

– Restating the importance of the HEX smart contract

– Bug found in PulseX liquidity providing

– Comparing the PulseChain launch to the HEX launch

– How we are DCA-ing as PulseChain ecosystem continues to dip

– Metamask tax concerns?

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