6 Simple Reasons You Need to Switch to Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products Now

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yellow lemon fruit beside clear glass bottle

Back in 2019, the green technology and sustainability market was valued at $8.79 billion. Meanwhile, it is projected to grow to $48.36 billion in 2027.

This market projection is an indication that more and more people are becoming zero-waste living. Additionally, it means that a growing number of people want to live an eco-conscious life. However, it is a good thing that your cleaning products can be a great start to living sustainably.

If you are unconvinced about using sustainable cleaning products, here are six reasons you should make the switch now:

1. Fewer allergens

Some of the cleaning products that we use in our homes are harmful or have adverse effects on our health. It even says so on the packaging sometimes that these cleaning products can be an irritant. Therefore, people who might be sensitive or have allergies have a limited choice of cleaning products to choose from.

That said, you won’t have to deal with harmful or unfamiliar chemicals that can harm your health.

Aside from that, you’ll find that If you make homemade green cleaning products yourself, you can have better control of the ingredients in them. Thus, if you have any ingredients that you want to avoid, you can easily do so since you made the cleaning products yourself.

2. Better air quality

People believe that being indoors means they are protected from pollutants and allergens. That’s not the case at all.

Indoor air might have more pollutants floating in it than outdoor air. One factor would be the cleaning products that you apply and the particles that float into the air.

Some of these cleaning solutions have harmful chemicals in them that can affect your health. Couple that with poor air circulation or ventilation, and you’re sure to have a worsening indoor air quality in your hands.

If you switch to eco-friendly cleaning products, you won’t have to worry about these harmful chemicals circulating in your home. You can breathe easy knowing that there aren’t harmful particles floating around in your indoor air.

3. More cost-effective

Another compelling reason it’s best to use sustainable cleaning products in your house is that it’s more cost-effective.

Back in the day, green cleaning products were hard to find and were thus often more expensive than their traditional counterparts. Now, plenty of places provide green cleaning products to be cheaper or the same price as your standard cleaning product.

You can also save a lot more money on cleaning products if you opt to make your cleaning solutions using everyday household products. Baking soda and vinegar are two common ingredients that you may have in your home now that are great to use for homemade cleaning solutions. In the long run, these homemade cleaning solutions will be a lot cheaper for you to use.

4. Make life easier

There are so many commercial cleaning products out there that you have to use for different purposes. A window cleaner is different from a floor cleaner, which is also different when cleaning other surfaces. However, once you veer away from traditional cleaning products, you’ll find that many of the green cleaning products are multipurpose.

That means that you don’t have to buy different bottles for different house parts to clean. You can cut down on cleaning tools and products. That means that it will be a lot easier to organize your cleaning tools and solutions so you can finally get down and start cleaning your home.

5. Cruelty-free

You know that many of the commercial cleaning products that you’ve used are harmful to your health. Think of that fact, and then if you have kids in your home or pets, that effect is compounded, so it’s harder to clean with them around.

Another detriment to the use of traditional cleaning solutions is that some of these are tested on animals. If you don’t want to support such a company, opt to use green cleaning products instead.

Of course, it’s best that you also double-check, even with green cleaning products, if the company is reputable. That’s because traditional cleaning product manufacturers also make their green cleaning products. That means that even if you buy green cleaning products from them, you’re still unknowingly supporting their business.

6. Good for the environment

Of course, you should be switching to eco-friendly cleaning products now because of how great they are for the environment.

For one, they are cruelty-free. This means that your cleaning products were not tested on animals. Second, they are made of natural products. Hence, you can wash away the products to the environment without the fear of causing further damage.

All around good stuff happens when you use eco-friendly cleaning products. So if you want to clean your home in a way that doesn’t harm you, your family, and the environment, make the switch to green cleaning solutions now.

Source: https://usgreentechnology.com/6-simple-reasons-you-need-to-switch-to-eco-friendly-cleaning-products-now/

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