7 Remarkable IVR Trends For the Year 2021 And Beyond

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May 3 · 2 min read

According to Vonage, IVR was responsible for over 50% of consumers not completing their business transactions. According to Forrester, about 79% of customers would rather self-serve than using human-assisted support channels.

These trends may force us to believe that IVR is irrelevant. However, if anything, it’s exactly the opposite. Voice is very much a preferred channel for the millennials and zillennials alike, as evident from voice assistants’ adoption and popularity. And hence, IVR will remain an integral part of businesses’ customer experience strategies if it can reinvent itself.

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Source: https://www.haptik.ai/infographic/conversational-ivr-trends-2021

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Source: https://chatbotslife.com/7-remarkable-ivr-trends-for-the-year-2021-and-beyond-47bb6294a153?source=rss—-a49517e4c30b—4

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