A Vancouver-Based MSP Is Helping to Secure Businesses Against Cybersecurity Threats

Source Node: 841330

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Increased dependency on computers and access to data makes an organization more vulnerable to cybersecurity threats. With the increase in cyber-criminals and cyber-attacks, many companies today are looking for greater protection of their decentralized computing work environments from their Managed Service Providers (MSPs). As a result, MSPs need to deliver firewall solutions that are designed to avoid or minimize unauthorized access to protected networks. These solutions help meet current business needs and reside within the network environments of a company.

Although a lot of IT security solutions exist today to secure businesses, they are not built to provide the endpoint protection that can thwart the sophisticated malware and viruses that threaten many organizations today. To help overcome these threats, MSPs need to provide businesses with an advanced endpoint security solution that offers an integrated approach to defend against malware and other threats coming from all endpoints linked to your company’s network.

A scalable and lightweight solution, an advanced endpoint security solution can provide maximum protection for both physical and virtual endpoints. One company that realizes this and is looking to secure businesses through advanced endpoint security is Mighty Blue Cloud, an MSP that offers secured cloud hosting solutions for businesses.

The Problem That Mighty Blue Cloud Faced in Securing the End-Users of Its Cloud Hosting Solutions
Based in Vancouver, BC, Mighty Blue Cloud is a provider of Managed IT Services that provides businesses with useful IT strategies and the highest quality data security and backup. The company provides both large enterprises and SMEs with cloud computing solutions. Additionally, Mighty Blue Cloud uses cutting-edge technology to secure and host their data on its private servers.
The company utilizes top-notch expertise IT expertise to provide IT management to businesses that improve the performance of their websites, provides them with back-ups, make storage or database migration easier, and safeguards their private server with the “best-in-class” firewall.

“We are Canada’s foremost cloud hosting company that helps relieve enterprises from the terrors of losing data. We act as a driving force in helping customers make their data secure and available at all times,” says Jainesh Nand, President of Mighty Blue Cloud.

As an MSP, Mighty Blue Cloud is constantly looking to shore up its firewall protection with top-notch cyber-security solutions. The company is Canada’s foremost cloud computing company and thus feels a real responsibility to safeguard its clients from cyber-threats and the loss of data. Since its inception, Mighty Blue Cloud has been widely recognized as the driving force behind many Canadian businesses that have their data secure and available at all times; the company is adamant to maintain its reputation and therefore has been searching for cyber-security products that successfully thwart today’s increasingly sophisticated malware and viruses.

The cyber-security solutions that were previously used by Mighty Blue Cloud—Sophos and Cylance—were based on two entirely different approaches to protection which create some confusion. More than that, both these IT security solutions allowed viruses and malware to penetrate through their protection. The company quickly realized that it needed a better and more innovative approach to protection against cyber-threats. Soon after, it began its search for a powerful cyber-security solution. The company was ultimately led to Comodo and its range of cyber-security solutions.
“We previously used Sophos and Cylance. Both are based on completely different approaches to protection; however, they both allowed viruses and malware to pass through their protection. After switching to Comodo we no longer have issues with ransomware, and no longer have issues with performance on the system. Comodo provides the best level of security with a performance that others can’t beat,” says Nand.

Mighty Blue Cloud Partnered with Comodo to Take its IT Security to the Next Level. Comodo Displaced Two Competitive Incumbents—Sophos and Cylance.
A major reason Mighty Blue Cloud chose Comodo was because of its auto containment and threat detection feature. The auto containment runs an unknown executable in a kernel API virtualized mode, thereby offering attack surface reduction (ASR), which neutralizes ransomware attacks. Additionally, Comodo’s AEP utilizes a Default Deny Platform to provide complete protection against zero-day threats while having no impact on end-user experience or workflows.

“We chose Comodo because of its innovation. The auto containment technology takes security to the next level,” revealed Nand. Comodo’s Valkyrie analyzes and gives a trusted verdict for 100% of files on a network. Additionally, Comodo’s platform shares intelligence and is, therefore, more secure than disparate products that claim the best of the breed but don’t share information. Comodo has architected its cyber-security product to maximize intelligent sharing between every component of the platform, therefore providing superior security.

“Unlike other antivirus offerings, which have false positives, Comodo provides that extra level of protection and prevents an unknown file from damaging anything on the system. Comodo is always there for my business, and their team is always available when we have questions or require technical assistance. They truly care about their partners,” says Nand.

Final Word
Regulatory enforcement, intrusions into the information system, and incident risk make it necessary for organizations of all sizes to have a data protection plan. Mighty Blue Cloud partnership with Comodo is helping it to provide data protection services to safeguard business-critical information against internal and external threats. Alan Knepfer, President and Chief Revenue Office at Comodo, says, “Our partnership and next-generation cybersecurity helps Mighty Blue Cloud with the critical task of ensuring that their customer’s data is secure at all times.”

Comodo’s Auto Containment Technology Helps Mighty Blue Cloud Stop Unknown Files from Causing Damage

Mighty Blue Cloud Explains Why Comodo is a Great Partner

Mighty Blue Cloud Dropped Sophos and Cylance and Switched to Comodo for Better Ransomware Protection

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