Above the Fold: Supply Chain Logistics News (April 28, 2023)

Above the Fold: Supply Chain Logistics News (April 28, 2023)

Source Node: 2615386

The pace of change and innovation in the supply chain and logistics realm continues to accelerate (as you can see from the news items below). Looking ahead 5 years to 2028, what trends will play a bigger role in supply chain management? What actions is your company taking today to position its supply chain and logistics operations for success? How can logistics service providers help?

Those are the questions I explored yesterday with the Customer Advisory Board (CAB) members of a leading logistics service provider. Prior to the meeting, we conducted a survey on this topic with the CAB members and our Indago supply chain research community. I shared the research results at yesterday’s meeting, which led to a very insightful conversation on the challenges and opportunities facing supply chain and logistics professionals.

I’ll share some takeaways from the research in a future post, but participating in this CAB meeting reminded me once again that the best source of practical knowledge and advice are your peers, other supply chain and logistics practitioners just like you who have already met and overcome the same challenges and opportunities you face today. 

(BTW, if you’re planning a CAB meeting and are looking for a speaker to lead a research-driven conversation with your customers, please contact me to discuss ideas).

Moving on, here’s the supply chain and logistics news that caught my attention this week:

I’m on the road back home this morning, so I’ll share my commentary next week.

Have a happy weekend!

Song of the Week: “Chariot” by SYML

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