Adrian Brink & Christopher Goes: Anoma – The Blockchain 'Undefining Money'

Adrian Brink & Christopher Goes: Anoma – The Blockchain ‘Undefining Money’

Source Node: 2576004

Anoma is a set of protocols that puts privacy front and center. It aims to facilitate “Self-Sovereign Communities” by providing tools that grant increased control to individuals and communities governing their day-to-day interactions and activities.

We were joined by co-founders Adrian Brink and Christopher Goes, to help unravel the complex offering that is the Anoma Network. Hear as we chat about why they created Anoma, some use cases to explain how it works, and the roadmap going forward.

Topics covered in this episode:

  • What led Adrian and Christopher to starting their own PoS blockchain
  • What ‘undefining money’ actually means
  • How Anoma works
  • The Namada blockchain
  • Multi asset shielded pools – why aren’t they used more often?
  • A deep dive into the technical components of Anoma
  • The relationship between Anoma and Namada
  • Thoughts on FATF and recent moves to make sending KYC information with transactions mandatory
  • Timelines for upcoming launches

Episode links:


  • Tally: Tally is a new wallet for Web3 and DeFi that sees the wallet as a public good. Think of it like a community-owned alternative to MetaMask. –
  • CowSwap: CowSwap is a Meta-Dex Aggregator built by Gnosis. It taps into all on-chain liquidity – including other dex aggregators such as Paraswap, 1inch and Matcha – offering the best prices on all trades. It provides some UX perks (no gas costs for failed transactions!) and protects traders against MEV. –

This episode is hosted by Brian Fabian Crain & Friederike Ernst. Show notes and listening options:

Time Stamp:

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