AI writing tools can be disruptive–here are 5 ways to counteract their influence

AI writing tools can be disruptive–here are 5 ways to counteract their influence

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Key points:

  • Educators should clearly communicate rules and expectations for AI
  • It’s also worth keeping an open mind and learning a bit more about how AI tools work

The discussion around the influence of AI writing on education has never been so active – all thanks to the launch of ChatGPT last year. The tool is so advanced compared to other writing tools of its kind that a lot of people instantly started using it for all kinds of ethically ambiguous purposes.

Educators are concerned about the influence AI will have and how its negative effects could be detrimental to education. Without further ado, here’s how to counteract the disruptive influence of AI writing on education.

1. Inform Students

First of all, you need to inform your students about the fact that plagiarism will never be tolerated. Explain that when they use AI tools to generate the texts for their assignments, they are not actually presenting their own writing to you. Though texts generated by AI tools do not exactly fall under the definition of plagiarism, they are still not the student’s work which means the student could suffer consequences for their actions.

If your students understand why using AI tools to do their assignments for them is not the right route to take, they will be less likely to even consider trying such tools. It is your responsibility as a teacher or professor to raise this matter in the classroom and make sure that everyone is on the same page regarding the topic.

Jane Travis, Contributing Writer, eSchool News

Jane Travis is an experienced freelance writer. She currently works with big content writing companies on a part-time basis. Recently, Jane decided to start her own writing blog. She shares her expertise in creative writing and hopes her readers find it useful.

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