AIRI airdrop program

Source Node: 892824

Inviting you to celebrate aiRight launch with aiRight x Oraichain team via this airdrop program! For your continuous support and love for Oraichain, we’re showing our love back!

Update: The snapshot and distribution time for this AIRI airdrop program has changed due to our organization of partnerships, marketing activities, and IDO and listing of AIRI token. We are sorry for any inconvenience but we believe this delay will give better preparation to the value AIRI token and aiRight.

aiRight launch is still as planned — on 31 May 2021.

Snapshot and distribution of AIRI airdrop will be one day before and one day after AIRI listing, respectively. The listing date will be announced later!

Oraichain has announced the AIRI tokenomics on aiRight, the world’s first all-in-one NFT creation and copyright management platform. In case you missed the announcement, please check it out to grasp the overall mechanics of aiRight to the Oraichain.

Among the total initial supply of 2,000,000,000 AIRI, Oraichain generously gives an allocation of 15% to ORAI token holders as our appreciation for their continued support via an AIRI airdrop program and an ORAI buyback program.

This article describes details of the 100,000,000 AIRI airdrop program to the elite members of the Oraichain community. There will be another article describing the ORAI buyback program! Stay tuned for more information! 💪

We are thankful to all the support that ORAI holders have been giving us, we still prioritize holders based on the following 3 criteria:

  1. One who is passionately supporting Oraichain and Oraichain community.
  2. One who is intensively securing Oraichain mainnet.
  3. One who is diligently farming and staking with ORAI tokens.

For each role of ORAI holders in Oraichain network, we introduce the following role-coefficient matrix to calculate the AIRI tokens for airdrop.

One important factor that we use to calculate the amount of AIRI tokens that one might receive is the coefficient rate of one’s role in Oraichain network. The coefficient rates for every role of ORAI holders and the estimated AIRI for airdrop are described below.

👉Coefficient rate affects how many AIRI tokens will be airdropped. Plainly, for example, if you buy and keep ORAI in your wallet, you can receive X amount of AIRI. But if you join the Oraichain Mainnet as a validator you can receive 8X of AIRI tokens.

👉 There is no threshold for the number of ORAI tokens as well as the duration that one must hold to participate in this airdrop program. Oraichain will distribute to all eligible holders a share of 100,000,000 AIRI tokens, 5% of total initial supply.

👉 We don’t count the locked ORAI rewards for this program. But the locked ORAI tokens of validators, delegators, and liquidity providers are counted.

👉 The upper limit of AIRI tokens for airdrop is 200,000 AIRI.

👉 The regular holders are those who buy ORAI on any DEXs or CEXs.

If you are a liquidity provider on Ethereum or BSC, you don’t need to do anything.

If you are staking ORAI on yAI Finance (either normal staking or auto-compound), you don’t need to do anything.

If you are a validator or delegator on Oraichain Mainnet, please use Oraiscan to send a transaction with a value of minimum required ORAI (0.00001 ORAI) from your ORAI wallet to our airdrop verification address orai1hz08wrlkrl37gwhqpxpkynmw8juad72pxp0e94 with the memo containing your BSC wallet address. Please scroll to the end of this article for some screenshot demonstrating the process. Also, please complete this before our snapshot deadline.

If you are a regular ORAI holder, who buys ORAI on DEXs like Uniswap or Pancakeswap, you don’t need to do anything. We can directly scan your wallet address, thanks to the decentralized nature of Blockchains ✨

If you are a regular ORAI holder, who buys ORAI on CEXs such as Kucoin, you have to move ORAI to your wallet on Ethereum network before snapshot deadline.

Special note: Kucoin has confirmed that they couldn’t support the airdrop, therefore ORAI holders MUST move ORAI tokens to their wallets on Ethereum network by the snapshot time to be eligible. Note that the snapshot time is one day before the AIRI listing day and will be announced when we fix the date.

Please connect to your corresponding wallet address on the BSC network on aiRight platform, then claim your AIRI tokens out.

Note #1: AIRI tokens are on the BSC network. You need to switch your wallet to the BSC network in order to receive AIRI tokens.

Note #2: The airdrop tokens do not go directly to your wallet, but you have to claim it by paying a little fee. Fee on the BSC is much cheaper than on Ethereum!

The below is the tentative schedule for this airdrop program.

1. Snapshot of wallet status: one day before the AIRI listing (at the time we choose)

→ We will capture the status of all wallets on each network (Oraichain mainnet, Ethereum, and BSC) at any time we choose on the day before the AIRI listing.

→ During the distribution period, we’ll snapshot again every week to recalibrate the distribution of AIRI airdrop!

→ If you miss any snapshot time, we’re afraid you can’t receive the airdrop.

2. Distribution start: one day after the AIRI listing

3. Distribution period: 1 month

→ After this period, you can’t claim the airdrop AIRI anymore.

→ The remaining AIRI tokens will be burned 🔥 on the 1st of July!!!

The distribution of AIRI will be operated in the “block” time unit. This means that for every block on BSC, the total “claimable” AIRI that you can claim via aiRight will increase.

That’s it! Oraichain thank you always for the great support 💎

Let’s celebrate the aiRight launch with us 🥂🎵


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