Alexander Zaidelson & Alex Romanov Talks Privacy and Beam's 2020 Plans  - Ep. 1

Alexander Zaidelson & Alex Romanov Talks Privacy and Beam’s 2020 Plans – Ep. 1

Source Node: 2592353

In this episode Bobby Ong, co-founder of CoinGecko is joined by Alexander Zaidelson, CEO of Beam and Alex Romanov, CTO of Beam. They discussed about Beam, comparison with other privacy coins, decentralized governance, and Beam’s emission curves. They discuss achievements from 2019 and what is coming next for the evolution of Beam, the foundation and operation of the company. 

[00:00:02] – Intro
[00:00:43] – Disclaimer
[00:02:02] – Background on Beam and Mimblewimble protocol
[00:03:45] – Fundamental differences between Beam and Grin
[00:09:08] – Dandelion Protocol
[00:10:12] – Beam achievements this year
[00:12:20] – The roadmap for 2020, plans, biggest goals
[00:18:34] – Implementation of the Lelantus Protocol
[00:21:17] – Growth in popularity, block halving, deploying funds, and continuing development
[00:27:04] – Coming changes that will be implemented in March 2020
[00:30:37] – Beam Foundation, decision making process and operation
[00:34:12] – The movement of delisting privacy coins
[00:37:45] – How did you catch the crypto bug?
[00:40:37] – One thing you would like to see in the crypto world

Quotes from the Episode:

“In the crypto-space, especially in privacy coins, it’s much more desirable in some sense to have a decentralized governance, just because a decentralized system is more resilient.” [00:04:45]

“Beam has created a very active, organic community of over 50,000 people across different platforms.” [00:11:40]

“The first logical step would be to allow confidential trading of existing tokens.” [00:16:05] 

“Even today our wallets both desktop and mobile can actually work with remote node using the Flagline Protocol.” [00:28:36]


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