AMA Highlights: DeRace

Source Node: 961720

Daniel Dal Bello
As we understand the NFT horses can breed (male and female) to form new horse NFTs with different characteristics — with an element of randomness through the genetic algorithm.

How is the balance in performance preserved to prevent overpowered horses that are nearly certain to outperform in races and underpowered horses that would effectively be useless?

Adomas Juodišius
We give full access for players to breed and eventually come up with their own breeds which might be better or worse.

For example, if we have a horse of a speed 20/100 and another with a speed of 30/100. their child speed can only be from 20 to 30 (with 2% variation).

Like in real-world Horse racing there is no balance — there are just limits where for example speed or stamina can be.

Racers hosting themselves will have a right to choose how races are set. So only selected criteria of participants can enter. Horses can be classified by win rate, weight, or general level (more races that horse takes, the bigger level he is) — and of course an entry fee.

Rowan Zwiers
Does that mean the NFT horses can actually change characteristics during their individual lifetimes (as suggested by the better performance after more races remark), would it be possible for individual NFT racehorses to be dynamic?

Adomas Juodišius
Horses would not be able to change over time. Otherwise, it would not be true decentralized NFT.

However — horses can increase in level (by the number of races it participates in). And level unlocks give the horse the possibility to wear items (which also will be NFTs). And items have a slight boost in some stats. For example, “Rainbow horseshoe”, which gives a 0.5% boost in speed. Or leather saddle which increases horse stamina by 1%.

But this part will be released later on, probably next year!


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