America Braces For Coders Exodus

Source Node: 1021083

Democracy has failed, in front of our very own eyes, and in real time, in five minutes of pantomime, where the elected were denied the one job of voting on controversial matters of a constitutional level.

So coders now are probably considering packing their bags. “Europe and Asia welcomes our US crypto friends,” says Péter Szilágyi, a Slovenian ethereum developer.

Europe in particular stands to win bigly from a more repressive atmosphere in the United States where the freedom to publish code is concerned.

Berlin is already known as a refuge for code ‘dissenters,’ with its hackers’ underground somewhat stealthily standing behind the rise of Germany.

The European Union now has a golden opportunity to set up a continental level SEC jurisdictional rival where the crypto space is concerned, with that bare bones allowing it to build further to a full competitor of the regulator that oversees $100 trillion.

Whether they will take it up at a continental level remains to be seen, but its far more decentralized governance nature and the novelty of its EU level institutions, which are not bogged down by centuries of attempts at co-option or entrenched open corruption due to being new, may well allow the continent to grab the opportunity freely given to be at the forefront of tomorrow’s financial world, and so the whole globe once more.

Americans will have seen first hand how democracy has failed with their representatives silenced on most crucial matters under the guise of pot holes, the one government job.

Plenty of them will presumably use voice to revive politics and make it as agile as our digital highways, but plenty will also choose exit, with the real battle always in the digital squares.

Roar you lions, of celestial might
for call do angels, of heaven light
in truth and logic, energy wide
to beat the false gods, of entropic knights.

Roar you lions, of global abode,
the past to send, to century gold,
and carve your space, by pen of code,
where god alone, intermediates your thought.

Ours the Congress, republic
Ours the laws, consensualit
Ours the kingdom, ruler we
Code our god, and our trustee.

Listen not to prophets false,
in their dress of electors,
we the god’s chosen ones,
our religion, energy’s one.

Roar you lions, without fear
for millennials, golden here
middle ages o no more,
elevators roar and roar.


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