Anthony Scaramucci - Why Bitcoin is the Monetary Network of the Future

Anthony Scaramucci – Why Bitcoin is the Monetary Network of the Future

Source Node: 2693235

We’re revisiting the best Crypto Conversation podcast episodes of 2021. Anthony “The Mooch” Scaramucci is best known for his short-lived, but very entertaining tenure as the White House communications director under President Trump. Anthony has had a long career in investment banking and he is the founder of Skybridge Capital, a global investment fund that has just launched the Skybridge Bitcoin fund.

Why you should listen:

Anthony says investors have a Eureka moment when they begin to understand that Bitcoin is a monetary network. “Just like there is a retail network, Amazon, a social network, Facebook, like there is a search network, Google. Bitcoin is the monetary network, and that makes it potentially very valuable. Think about where Apple or Amazon or Google were ten years ago, maybe that is where Bitcoin is at today.” 

Key takeaway:

Anthony says that Bitcoin is the only thing in our society right now, where if the demand goes up, there’s no increase in supply. “When people want Tesla shares, there’s a sausage factory in the back of Tesla. They’re printing out Tesla shares. Do people want dollars? They’re printing out dollars. If oil prices are going up, we’re drilling for oil everywhere to meet that demand and produce more oil, but that can’t be done for Bitcoin. And so that’s the Eureka moment.” 

Anthony says that President Trump was out of control. “He was a full-on liar. He added a trillion dollars to the deficit and his legacy will be that he made our country weaker, sicker, and poorer. He had malpractice on the pandemic and then on the way out the door, he tried to undermine our democracy.”

Anthony says that Joe Biden, “whether you like him or not, what does he represent as a pillar of Democratic party politics? He represents centrism. He represents core bureaucratic competence. To me this was a seismic change for good. Do I love the excess regulation? I don’t. Do I love ponderous government? I don’t. But do I like competent people in positions? I do. And so I like Joe Biden.”


Supporting links:

Prime XBT

Skybridge Bitcoin Fund

Anthony on Twitter

Andy on Twitter 

Brave New Coin on Twitter

Brave New Coin

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