AWS IoT FleetWise simplifies fleet management

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AWS IoT FleetWise simplifies fleet management
Ryan is an editor at TechForge Media with over a decade of experience covering the latest technology and interviewing leading industry figures. He can often be sighted at tech conferences with a strong coffee in one hand and a laptop in the other. If it’s geeky, he’s probably into it. Find him on Twitter: @Gadget_Ry

Amazon has announced AWS IoT FleetWise at its re:Invent conference, a service that aims to make fleet management simpler and more cost-effective.

“Today’s connected cars are already data centres on wheels, each generating GBs of data per hour,” explains Mike Tzamaloukas, GM IoT Automotive, AWS.

Automakers can use IoT FleetWise service to manage this vast amount of vehicle data in the cloud in near real-time.

Intelligent filters can be applied to reduce network traffic and increase efficiency by selecting only relevant data to transfer based on parameters such as weather conditions, location, or vehicle type.

Once the data is in the cloud, automakers can use it for next-generation applications including remote issue diagnosis, fleet health analysis to prevent large-scale recalls, and the improvement of advanced features like autonomous driving and driver assistance systems.

Mike Tzamaloukas, General Manager of IoT Automotive at AWS, said:

“While automakers have collected, stored, and analysed vehicle data for years, they are not equipped to manage the explosion of data generated by advanced vehicle safety and autonomous driving systems, nor have they had access to the near-real-time data needed to help proactively address vehicle problems.

With AWS IoT FleetWise, automakers can now efficiently collect this data, transform it, and gain deep, actionable insights on the condition and usage of vehicles on the road. 

Automakers can now use the power of AWS to help maintain millions of vehicles, increase vehicle safety, and improve customer service.”

Advanced vehicle sensors can already lead to the generation of up to two terabytes of data per vehicle every hour.

Otonomo is collaborating with AWS and has experience in managing large fleets with its mobility intelligence platform being used by original equipment manufacturers, fleets, and over 100 service providers. The company’s platform uses over four billion data points daily.

Ben Volkow, CEO at Otonomo, commented:

“At Otonomo, we’re committed to driving smarter decisions and services for our customers through the use of connected vehicle data and mobility intelligence. 

Today’s AWS IoT FleetWise announcement helps automakers collect and transfer data to the cloud more easily and efficiently than ever before.

We’re thrilled to continue to collaborate with AWS and are excited about the additional capabilities made possible through AWS IoT FleetWise.”

Using a service like FleetWise, automakers can ensure only the relevant data is transferred and can be managed in such a way that useful new capabilities can be launched quickly.

(Photo by Caleb George on Unsplash)

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