Best Rimworld Hydroponics Layout - The Centurion Report

Best Rimworld Hydroponics Layout – The Centurion Report

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We all want to be cave dwellers in Rimworld. Besides the bug infestations, it’s a pretty sweet way to make sure your base is nearly impenetrable. However, unless your colony feasts on the endless waves of late-game raiders, you’re going to need to establish a source of food.

example hydroponics layout

example hydroponics layout

Hydroponics is just the way to do that in Rimworld. The above picture shows the best hydroponics layout in Rimworld.

The strategic advantage of an impregnable base can be alluring, but remember, food remains an essential survival factor. Establishing a sustainable source of nourishment is paramount.

Hydroponics, a sophisticated and controlled method of growing crops, fits the bill perfectly. It’s not a luxury but a necessity in the harsh, unforgiving world of Rimworld.

While the basins cater to soil fertility, the responsibility of maintaining optimal growing conditions such as light and temperature still lies with you.

Basics of Hydroponics

In order to get hydroponic basins in Rimworld, you first need to research Hydroponics at the research bench. You will also need sun lamps which can be built after researching electricity. Hydroponic basins and sun lamps are a great combination because it allows you to use these basins indoors.

You can comfortably power up this setup using three solar generators, or by combining one geothermal generator and two solar generators, which leaves a decent amount of extra power.

Although filling these vacant spots with pillars might appear aesthetically pleasing to some, remember, the decision ultimately rests in your hands.

via Set Ready Game

They grow food at a much faster rate, but they can only be used by a limited number of plants. These plants are potatoes, rice, strawberries, cotton, hops, smokeleaf, psychoid, and healroot. You also have to worry about power.

The plants in the basins will wither and die very quickly if they become unpowered due to solar flares, breakdowns, or even conduit explosions.

It should be noted that the basins only provide soil fertility. This means you will need to provide all the other requirements for the plants to grow including temperature and light. Now with all that out of the way, let’s look at the best hydroponics layout you can possibly have in Rimworld.

The Layout

So as you can see from above, the optimal hydroponics setup has one sun lamp and exactly twenty-four (!) hydroponic basins. This layout has only 4 wasted spaces which can be filled with pillars if you are (and should be) building this indoors.

If your setup will not have walls directly outside the sun lamps range, the ceiling will collapse and injure or kill your colonists. It also is aesthetically pleasing to some people to fill those dirt spots with pillars – but you do you.

The above layout will consume exactly 4580W during the day and only 1680W at night. You can power exactly one of these setups with 3 solar generators or 1 geothermal generator and 2 solar generators with some extra power leftover.

This setup gives you the least amount of wasted space and maximizes your energy usage. It is without a doubt the best hydroponics layout in Rimworld currently and will be until something else is added or they change the way hydroponics work.

What Comprise A Good Hydroponic Layout?

via eXputer

When we talk about hydroponic layouts in Rimworld, it’s not merely about putting basins and lamps in a room. A good layout is a blend of strategic design, optimal energy management, and effective space utilization. Let’s dissect these elements:

1. Strategic Design: The layout should be such that the growth and yield of crops are maximized. The positioning of basins and sun lamps is crucial. In our layout, the sun lamp covers all the hydroponic basins, ensuring all plants receive adequate light.

2. Optimal Energy Management: A good layout doesn’t drain power unnecessarily. It strikes a balance between power input and output. In our suggested design, the power requirement during the day is 4580W, and it reduces to 1680W at night. It’s an economical design that doesn’t overburden the colony’s power resources.

3. Effective Space Utilization: Space is precious in Rimworld. A proficient hydroponics setup uses the least amount of space while yielding the most crops. With only four wasted spaces, our proposed layout stands as an example of a space-efficient design.

4. Risk Management: In Rimworld, disaster can strike at any moment. Power outages due to solar flares or explosions can kill your plants. Good hydroponic layouts should have a backup plan, like battery reserves or alternate power sources, to mitigate such risks.

5. Crop Choice: Not all crops are suitable for hydroponics. Choose the ones that will grow well in the hydroponic basins and align with your colony’s needs. Consider growth rates, nutritional value, and potential sale value when selecting crops.

6. Ease of Access: Your colonists will need to tend to the plants and harvest them regularly. A well-designed layout should allow easy access to all plants without obstructing movement. Placing basins too close together or blocking paths with other equipment can hinder productivity.

7. Expansion Potential: Your colony will grow, and so will its needs. An ideal hydroponic layout can be scaled up or modified easily to accommodate increased demand. Avoid designs that are rigid and hard to expand.

However, remember that a layout isn’t set in stone. You can always modify it based on your colony’s specific needs and available resources. Adaptability, after all, is a key survival skill in the world of Rimworld.


Our quest for knowledge never stops, just as Rimworld keeps throwing challenges at us. Stay equipped, stay prepared! For more insightful Rimworld guides, visit our posts detailing component acquisition strategies, the use of ranged weapons, and melee weapons.

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