Bitdefender Cybersecurity Firm Released Tool To Decrypt ReVIL Files

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The Bitdefender cybersecurity company released a new tool to decrypt files that were initially encrypted by the ReVIL ransomware attacks hackers so let’s read more in our latest cryptocurrency news today.

The cybersecurity company Bitdefender will now help in trying to decrypt the Revil decrypted files because the victims of the attacks were hit hard. Now, they have a reason to celebrate as they will have access to their files again. A few hours ago, the cybersecurity company announced that it developed a tool to decrypt files that were altered by the Revil/Sodinokibi ransomware and returned them to their natural state.

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According to the announcement, Bitdefender recieved support from the trusted law enforcement partner and the company explained that they cannot give out any more details unless they have the proper authorization. It is also important to note that the international investigation agencies are still working to catch the members of the organization which developed this ransomware. The decryption tool is available for free and can be easily downloaded from the Bitdefender website and the software is not some miraculous anti-ransomware holy grail but it is effective even if it is not able to combat all of the versions from the ransomware.


Bitdefender claims that the tool works for the versions developed before July 13, 2021, and this is useful for some victims that wanted to pay but could not gain access to their files because the group went into the shadows in July this year probably because the governments in the US were pushing harder against the group and the use of Ransomware in general. Parts of the Revil’s infrastructure went offline and left infected victims who had not paid the ransom unable to recover their data and this tool will now offer those victims the ability to take back control of the data and assets.


Ransomware is a malicious program that encrypts the content that is stored on a computer and makes it hard to access the files. As it uses cryptography, a key is needed to decrypt the files and this can be only done so by paying the ransom to the group that is responsible for the attack, most of the time in BTC or Monero. The difficulty in tracking the transactions helped spread the Ransomware so much that the Revilg roup mutated into a business and sold its tool to other criminals. Some of the biggest victims include the Colonial Pipeline, CD Projekt Red, Kia Motors, and the Health Service Executive of Ireland.


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