Blizzard says Diablo 4 is its "fastest-selling game of all time"

Blizzard says Diablo 4 is its “fastest-selling game of all time”

Source Node: 2704059

Blizzard seems pretty chuffed with the response to Diablo 4, and is now trumpeting the fact that, not only have players cumulatively already racked up over 10,000 years of play time, Diablo 4 is also the company’s “fastest-selling game of all time”.

Blizzard is calculating those impressive-sounding play time figures based on the number of in-game hours players have accrued since 1st June, the date when Diablo 4 entered “early access” for those willing to pay extra for the privilege.

The company reckons over 93m hours of Diablo 4 have been played across the first four days, equating to over 10,000 years (actually more like 10,616 years according to my calculator, but who am I to quibble maths?) – or, as Blizzard puts it, the equivalent of one person “playing 24 hours a day since the beginning of human civilisation”.

Zoe Delahunty-Light shares her thoughts on Diablo 4.

As for Blizzard’s claim Diablo 4 is its “fastest-selling game of all time”, that’s a little more nebulous given the company hasn’t shared any specific sales data yet. And, of course, it’s unclear how its success stacks up against the company’s free-to-play offerings, which, 2016’s original Overwatch aside, have largely dominated its release schedule in the last decade.

Today’s celebrations follow Blizzard’s confirmation it currently has two Diablo 4 expansion’s in the works, with general manager Rod Fergusson insisting the studio will be supporting Diablo 4 “for years to come [with] very rich seasons, much richer than we had in Diablo 3”.

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