Cassidy Daly & Lucas Vogelsang: Centrifuge – Introducing Real-World DeFi

Cassidy Daly & Lucas Vogelsang: Centrifuge – Introducing Real-World DeFi

Source Node: 2619914

Centrifuge is an open and permissionless protocol built on Polkadot and Ethereum that unlocks collateral for DeFi. Centrifuge allows for the tokenization of real world assets such as invoices, real estate, or goods, and puts them on the blockchain. This allows users to borrow against these assets from investors. Investors lend dai in exchange for an interest rate that depends on the borrower and the asset used as collateral.

We were joined by Lucas Vogelsang, CEO & Centrifuge Co-founder, and Cassidy Daly, Token Design & Research at Centrifuge. They explained why they built the protocol and how it works, the first application built on top, Tinlake, its integration with other DeFi platforms such as Maker, and their vision for the future.

Topics covered in this episode:

  • How did Centrifuge come about and what is its vision
  • What challenges do they face using real world assets as collateral
  • How users are protected against spam and fraud
  • The underwriter token model
  • What are the value limits on what can be borrowed?
  • Some use cases of where Centrifuge can make the biggest impact
  • Who are the lenders involved in the protocol?
  • How the protocol works on a technical level
  • The Centrifuge token – CFG
  • Altair – the Kusama parachain on Polkadot
  • What the integration of Tinlake assets in DeFi looks like

Episode links:


  • Exodus: Exodus the easy-to-use crypto wallet available on all platforms and supporting over 100 different assets. –
  • Solana: Solana is the high performance blockchain supporting over 50k transactions per second to power the next generation of decentralized applications. –
  • ParaSwap: ParaSwap’s state-of-the-art algorithm beats the market price across all major DEXs and brings you the most optimized swaps with the best prices, and lowest slippage –

This episode is hosted by Brian Fabian Crain & Friederike Ernst. Show notes and listening options:

Time Stamp:

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