Check out Our Exclusive Markdown Cheat Sheet

Check out Our Exclusive Markdown Cheat Sheet

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Markdown is a lightweight markup language that provides a simple way to format text for various purposes without the need for complex HTML or other formatting languages. It’s widely used in documentation, blogs, and other writing platforms due to its simplicity and ease of use. In this Markdown cheat sheet, we’ll cover various formatting options and how to use them effectively to enhance your writing.

Markdown Files

Markdown is a lightweight markup language that uses plain text formatting to create richly formatted documents. These files typically have a .md or .markdown extension. They are commonly used for creating documentation, writing blog posts, and formatting text for web pages.

How to open a markdown file offline?

To open a markdown file offline, you can use a text editor or a dedicated markdown editor. Here are the steps to open a markdown file offline:

  • Locate the markdown file on your computer.
  • Right-click on the file and select “Open With.”
  • Choose a text editor a markdown editor from the list of available programs.
  • The markdown file will open in the selected editor, allowing you to view and edit its contents.

Online Markdown Editors

Online markdown editors are web-based tools that allow you to write and preview markdown files directly in your web browser. These editors often provide real-time previews, syntax highlighting, and other helpful features for working with markdown.

Advantages of Markdown Files

  • Easy to learn and use: Markdown has a simple syntax that is easy to understand and write. It doesn’t require complex formatting codes like HTML or CSS.
  • Platform-independent: Markdown files can be opened and viewed on any device or operating system using a compatible text editor or markdown viewer.
  • Lightweight: Markdown files are plain text files, making them small and quick to load. They don’t contain heavy formatting or styling information.
  • Version control friendly: Markdown files work well with version control systems like Git. Changes made to markdown files can be easily tracked, compared, and merged.
  • Portable: Markdown files can be easily converted to other formats like HTML, PDF, or Word using various tools and converters. This portability allows you to share your content across different platforms and applications.
  • Widely supported: Many text editors, content management systems (CMS), and publishing platforms support Markdown. It has become a popular choice for writing content on the web.

Lets have a look at the Markdown cheat sheet!

They are essential for organizing and structuring your content. Markdown allows you to create different levels of headings using “#” symbols. The number of “#” symbols indicates the heading level.

How to write Headings in Markdown | Mark down cheat sheet


It is used to highlight specific parts of your text. Markdown offers three options for emphasis: bold, italic, and strikethrough.

To make text bold, wrap it with double asterisks ** or double underscores __.

For making the text italic, enclose it with single asterisks * or single underscores _.

To use strikethrough, surround the text with a double tilde ~~.


How to put emphasis in Markdown?


They are used to organize information in unordered or ordered formats.

Unordered Lists

To create an unordered list, use hyphens -, asterisks *, or plus signs + followed by a space.


How to organize in Markdown | Markdown cheat sheet

Ordered Lists

To create an ordered list, use numbers followed by a period and a space.


How to organize in Markdown | Markdown cheat sheet

Hyperlinks are essential for referencing external resources or linking to other pages within your content.


How to add links in Markdown | Markdown cheat sheet


Adding images can make your content more visually appealing. To embed images in Markdown, use an exclamation mark ! at the beginning of the link syntax.


How to embed images in Markdown | Markdown cheat sheet

Code Blocks

Code blocks allow you to display code snippets or entire blocks with proper formatting.

To format code blocks, use triple backticks followed by the programming language name.


Horizontal Rules

Horizontal rules help visually separate sections of your content.

To create a horizontal rule, use three or more hyphens, asterisks, or underscores on a new line.


Markdown cheat sheet


Blockquotes are used to quote text or sources, making them stand out from the rest of your content.

To create a blockquote, use the greater-than sign (>) before the quoted text.


Markdown cheat sheet


Tables allow you to present tabular data in a structured manner.

To create a table, use vertical bars (|) to separate columns and hyphens (-) to separate the header row from the content.


Markdown cheat sheet

Escaping Characters

Sometimes you may need to display special characters that have Markdown formatting significance. To do this, use a backslash before the character.


Markdown cheat sheet

Inline Code

Inline code formatting is useful when mentioning code within your regular text. To format inline code, use single backticks (`) around the code.


`inline code`

Task Lists

Task lists are useful for creating to-do lists or task tracking. To create a task list, use hyphens (-) or asterisks (*) followed by a space and the brackets [ ] for unchecked items and [x] for checked items.


Markdown cheat sheet

Markdown automatically detects links that start with http:// or https:// and turns them into clickable hyperlinks.


Markdown cheat sheet

Line Breaks

To insert a line break, use two or more spaces at the end of a line.



Markdown allows you to use raw HTML for more complex formatting when needed.

For example, you can use HTML to embed videos or customize the layout:

<iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”” frameborder=”0″ allow=”autoplay; encrypted-media” allowfullscreen></iframe>

However, be cautious when using raw HTML, as it might not work in all Markdown processors.


Markdown is a powerful and versatile tool that can significantly improve the presentation of your content with minimal effort. This Markdown cheat sheet lets you easily format and structure your writing for various purposes. Whether you’re a blogger, developer, or technical writer, Markdown is a valuable addition to your toolkit. 

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