Choosing a gaming monitor for your Xbox

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Whether you have just gifted yourself with the latest Xbox Series X or still enjoy playing your favourite games on an older Xbox One, one of the best upgrades you should consider is investing in a gaming monitor if you have not already done so. While monitors are often associated with PCs, recent technological advancements have seen big names in the industry start manufacturing monitors with gamers in mind.

Why invest in a gaming monitor?

With a gaming monitor, gamers can have the added perks of lower lag rates, higher refresh rates, pixel density, and fast response among others in gaming monitors, as compared to TVs. By investing in a gaming monitor, you will also be getting a close-range viewing experience with a lot more detail, as opposed to what you would get from a TV placed at a distance. By investing in a gaming monitor for your Xbox, you will also be making a wise choice especially if you decide to invest in a gaming PC to enjoy your favourite games that only available for PC, or even enjoy an immersive experience when playing at this legit online casino Canada site. With the latest release of Xbox Series X supporting all the major display resolutions available in today’s gaming monitors such as 1080p, 1440p and 4K, you will be spoilt for choice. However, to choose one that is right for you, it is advisable to consider some factors.

Resolution and screen size

When choosing a gaming monitor for your Xbox, you will need to consider the resolution. This is because only the Xbox Series X and Xbox One support all the major resolutions. You will also need to consider at which resolutions the games you play allow. For example, some titles such as Fortnite can run up to 120 frames per second (fps), which means they can be played at their highest quality in resolutions of 1440p or 1080, with 4K being an overkill.

Refresh rate

Depending on the Xbox model you have, each will support different refresh rates. For example, Xbox One only supports a maximum refresh of 120 HZ, which means it can only display optimally at resolutions of either 1080p (1920 by 1080 pixels) or 1440p (2560 by 1440 pixels). On the other hand, the new Xbox Series X can support 120Hz and higher resolutions such as 4K (3840 by 2160) pixels. This means you may want to check if the games you play support higher refresh rates when investing in a gaming monitor. Most gaming monitors will come in refresh rates of 60, 120, 144, 165, 200, or 240. If you are considering investing in a gaming monitor for your Xbox, then a model that supports a frame rate of 144 or 120 would be ideal, which means you will not have paid for pixels you do not need.


The older versions of the Xbox only support HDMI. However, the latest Xbox Series X includes support for HDMI 2.1. HDMI 2.1 can also support frames of up to 120fps and support resolutions of 1080p or 1440p. However, if you have the latest Xbox Series X and want to play games at 120fps at 4K, you will need a gaming monitor and cable that are HDMI 2.1 compatible.

HDR (High Dynamic Range)

The higher the HDR, the brighter the screen will be, and you will also get better clarity for the games you are playing. At the moment, gaming monitors will mostly come with HDR levels of between HDR10-HDR1000. You can also expect to find monitors rated HDR400 and HDR600. The levels of HDR you choose will be determined by how vivid you want your game to appear.


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