Clearing a path to success

Clearing a path to success

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Webinar Complexity can easily be equated with chaos – so many different connections, so much data we are drowning in it. So how is it possible to keep control as the intricacy and energy demands of AI models continue to rise?

Fortunately, this Register Webinar is on hand with some tips on simplification. Training and learning can be done in the core for example, while fine-tuning can take place at the edge. To achieve scalable AI adoption – an end-to-end solution may be essential, one that utilizes the cloud for learning, enables inferencing at the edge, and makes the best of industry-specific insight to craft compact, energy-efficient models.

Join our webinar on 25 October, 5pm BST/9am PT/12pm ET to hear more. In it we explore how to simplify AI operations with flexibility and freedom for both developers and data scientists with Kubernetes. You’ll also learn how to protect AI models with the proven value of data services and understand how Nutanix can provide a common operating model across the hybrid cloud to bring cloud-like agility to the datacenter and the edge.

Sign up for our “3 Steps to Simplifying AI Operations from Cloud to Edge” here and we’ll send you a reminder when it’s time to watch.

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