Code S RO16 - Group C & D Results (Season 3)

Code S RO16 – Group C & D Results (Season 3)

Source Node: 2953028

Code S produced even more major upsets in the second week of RO16 matches, as both ByuN and herO followed Maru into early elimination.

Group C saw (Wiki)Dark take first place while (Wiki)DongRaeGu narrowly edged out (Wiki)ByuN to come through in second place. It wasn’t exactly smooth sailing for Dark as he could easily have lost 0-2 or 1-2 to DRG in his initial match, but good crisis management and superior multi-tasking gave him the turnaround victory. The series against ByuN went much better, as Dark used Roach openers to hold off a variety of early Marine-Reaper attacks and take the 2-0 victory.

DRG only advanced by the skin of his teeth, playing the maximum number of games and putting up a 5-4 map record. After surviving a close call against (Wiki)Astrea in the losers match, he went into the decider match against ByuN as the heavy underdog on paper. The series started with ByuN making the patch memes come true with a double Reactored-Factory Cyclone all-in, which was too much for DRG to withstand in the early game. However, ByuN’s attempts to keep up the pressure with Marines and Reapers fell flat in the next two games (there was a heavy sense of déjà vu from his series against Dark), and he was overwhelmed by DRG’s powerful mid-game macro play.

Group D saw (Wiki)GuMiho flip expectations and take the first place spot, while (Wiki)Classic triumphed against fellow Protoss (Wiki)herO to escape in second place. GuMiho started with a stylish mech win against (Wiki)soO, but it ended up being the only mech game we’d see for the night. After a straightforward win against soO, GuMiho took a narrow 2-1 victory over herO where he preserved narrow leads after holding off his opponent’s trademark aggression. GuMiho later gave a curious interview answer by saying he would try to show more mech despite its winrate not being good in practice—honest fan-pleasing or devious mind games for his future opponents? We shall see in the RO8.

herO won his initial PvP match against Classic but fell victim to the infamous rematch curse with Classic prevailing in the decider match. After a fast expansion in game one, Classic smartly predicted and countered herO’s one-base all-in to take the lead. herO seemed to be on pace to tie the series in game two, but the timeless PvP tactic of “random DT’s” proved to be valid once more as Classic pulled off an improbable comeback to secure the 2-0.

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