Codementor Events: Developer virtual events made easy and accessible

Codementor Events: Developer virtual events made easy and accessible

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As a developer, you‘re always learning something new and to be able to continue to learn and grow, you have to be able to ask questions and share knowledge.

Developer virtual events allow you to not only passively soak up knowledge, but also actively ask questions and interact with other developers. As an attendee, you get to ask questions during the event, and continue to engage with the speaker and other developers after the event. As a speaker, you get to help others learn, share your experience, practice your public speaking skills, and grow your personal brand.

What is Codementor Events?

Codementor Events is a developer community and virtual events platform. We hope to help you learn remotely and grow professionally through attending and hosting events. You can be a Junior Frontend Developer, Data Scientist, Senior DevOps Engineer, or a CTO. Codementor Events has something for every developer.

We offer a wide range of developer-focused technical and career virtual events that are interactive and engaging. If you’re interested in sharing your knowledge, helping others learn, and growing your personal brand, we also make it easy for you to host your own event.

Why Codementor Events instead of another virtual events platform?

Attend diverse developer-centered virtual events

Codementor Events offers a wide range of interactive and engaging developer-focused virtual events. Regardless of your areas of expertise or seniority, you can:

🔎 Find diverse dev-centered events: From live coding sessions to career-related talks, Codementor Events has a wide selection of events to choose from. Learn about languages and frameworks, databases and tools, and processes and technologies in tech events. Or tackle topics like imposter syndrome, engineering resources, and workplace communication in career events.

🆓 Learn from speakers all around the world: Conferences and events don’t have to be location-dependent. With virtual events, all you need is an internet connection and you can learn from speakers all around the world. If you can’t make it live, you can also watch the recordings after the event.

💬 Interact with speakers and other developers: The Q&A session was too short? Have more questions for the speaker? Want to discuss with other developers? You can ask questions, share your thoughts, and discuss with speakers and developers on the event page.

Present at developer virtual events hassle-free

Codementor Events makes it easy for you to share your expertise with a global developer audience so you can grow your career while helping others. It could be your first time speaking, or your tenth time, our goal is to make it easy for you to host virtual events:

⭐️ Bring the audience to you: Want to share your experience with more developers? Not sure who and where to share your events with? Not only do we make your events easy to promote, but we’ll also promote your event to the 500K+ developers in our community.

🏃🏼 Handle event logistics: Don’t want to deal with creating event pages, sending reminder emails, and getting feedback from event attendees? Don’t worry, we’ll take care of all of that. You just need to focus on giving the best talk. Not only that, your personal brand will continue to grow organically along with your event page.

💪🏼 Give you all the support you need: A little stuck on your event title? Never spoken at an event before? Worried that you won’t be able to reach someone for support? We’ll help you narrow in on a topic, discuss your event flow with you, and offer you all the support and assistance you need.

Learn remotely and grow professionally through virtual events with Codementor Events

Codementor Events is a developer community and virtual events platform where developers learn and share new tools, technical concepts, and career tips. With Codementor Events, we hope developers will be able to grow technically and professionally through learning from experienced developers, no matter where you are in the world.

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