[Comunicar 75] Youth, gender identity and power in digital platforms

[Comunicar 75] Youth, gender identity and power in digital platforms

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March 28, 2023

[Comunicar 75] Youth, gender identity and power in digital platforms

Filed under: virtual school — Michael K. Barbour @ 8:08 pm
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Another new issue alert – and again no K-12 distance, online, or blended learning specific articles.  But lots of content that may be of interest to readers.

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Published Issues
Comunicar 74:

Education for digital citizenship: Algorithms, automation and communication

Comunicar 73:

Future Education: Prospective for sustainability and social justice

Comunicar 72:

The disinformation society: The impact of fake news on the public sphere

Next Issues
Comunicar 76:

Neurotechnology in the classroom: Current research and future potential

Comunicar 77:

New languages and cultures. Teaching languages for global and digital communication

Comunicar 78:

Empowered and hyper(dis)connected audiences: Actors, contexts, experiences and educommunicative practices

We inform you that the latest issue of Comunicar, 75, has been recently published with the suggestive title: Youth, gender identity and power in digital platforms. As on previous occasions, the journal has a monographic section and a wide variety of items in its miscellaneous section. All articles are available full text and free of charge on our official website.

Onlife identity: The question of gender and age in teenagers’ online behaviour
Sara Serrate-González | Alberto Sánchez-Rojo | Luis-E. Andrade-Silva | José-Manuel Muñoz-Rodríguez

Even if they don’t say it to you, it hurts too: Internalized homonegativity in LGBTQ+ cyberbullying among adolescents
Mónica Ojeda | Esperanza Espino | Paz Elipe | Rosario del-Rey

Gendered perspectives on digital skills and digital activities: Comparing non-binary and binary youth
David De-Coninck | Leen d’Haenens

Feminism, gender identity and polarization in TikTok and Twitter
Simón Peña-Fernández | Ainara Larrondo-Ureta | Jordi Morales-i-Gras

Selfies and videos of teenagers: The role of gender, territory, and sociocultural level
Uxía Regueira | Ángela González-Villa | Esther Martínez-Piñeiro

Let’s talk series: Binge-watching vs. marathon. The duality in the consumption of episodes from the Grounded Theory
Eva Martínez-Serrano | Diana Gavilan | Gema Martínez-Navarro

Digital media use on school civic engagement: A parallel mediation model
Camila Contreras | Josefina Rivas | Rosemberg Franco | Maryluz Gómez-Plata | B. Paula Luengo-Kanacri

Psychosocial factors and low-risk behaviour in ICT use among adolescents
Sara Malo-Cerrato | Maria-de-las-Mercedes Martín-Perpiñá | Maria-Gràcia Cornellà-Font

The student self-assessment paradigm in MOOC: An example in Chinese higher education
Tingting Duan | Binghui Wu

Female political leadership styles as shown on Instagram during COVID-19
Virginia García-Beaudoux | Salomé Berrocal | Orlando D’Adamo | Leandro Bruni

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Comunicar is a quarterly, bilingual Spanish-English research journal, with Chinese and Portuguese abstracts. Articles, authors and topics have a decidedly international outlook. The journal now has 30 years and has published 1940 research articles. The journal appears in 811 international databases, journal impact assessment platforms,selective directories,specialized portals and hemerographic catalogues… Rigorous and transparent blind system of manuscript evaluation, audited in RECYT, International Scientific Council and a public network of 1141 reviewers from 54 countries from all over the world. Professional management of manuscripts is undertaken via the OJS 3 platform, with ethical commitments that ensure transparency and timeliness, antiplagiarism (CrossCheck), alternative metrics (PlumX, Dimensions)… High visualization level powered by numerous search engines, DOIs, ORCID, dynamic pdfs, epub, XML… with connections to Mendeley, RefWorks, EndNote, Zotero and scientific social networks like Academia.Edu or ResearchGate. Comunicar specializes in educommunication: communication and education, ICT, audiences, new languages; there are specialized monographic editions on the most updated topics. It has a double format: print and online; The digital edition offers full text, open access for the entire scientific community and researchers around the world. In English and Spanish edited by Comunicar, a professional, non-profit association, veteran in Spain (34 years) in educommunication, which collaborates with multiple institutions and international universities. In active indexations in 2022, Comunicar is top worldwide: 2nd in the world in SCOPUS and 10th in the world in JCR (top 1% and 7% in the world; percentile 99% and 93%). In JCR-JIF it is Q1 in Education, in Communication and in Cultural Studies (1st in Spanish). In SJR is Q1 in Education, Communication and Cultural Studies (1st Spanish in all three areas). It is 1st in FECYT Metrics; 1st in DIALNET METRICS. In GOOGLE SCHOLAR METRICS is the 3rd journal indexed in Spanish in all areas; 2nd in REDIB (out of 1,199 journals).

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