Crypto Concoctions: My First NFT Project is done!

Source Node: 1056394

If you’ve read the previous paragraphs, you might have seen me mention Polygon’s blockchain. Why not Ethereum?

My initial plan was Ethereum. Everything was fine on the testnet, but as soon as I wanted to switch to the mainnet, when deploying I got an error. I didn’t have enough ETH to cover the fees + gas.

I was stunned so I did some research. According to Remix, it would cost me roughly $1300 to deploy the contract. And then I wouldn’t have any tokens minted.

This would mean I’d have to ask for absurd fees like bigger NFT projects do, and I wouldn’t want to ask for $200 apiece. That wouldn’t feel right.

Polygon is a Layer2 Ethereum compatible chain. And above all, it is connected with OpenSea, the biggest NFT marketplace.

Its fees are also way lower. It would cost me under a dollar to deploy the contract, and under a cent for each minted token. This was a relief and that’s why I chose Polygon. Besides that, it also looks like a very promising project.


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