Crypto Products – a Norm for US Financial Firms; DeFi Grows

Source Node: 864691

While the cryptocurrency market is facing a tough period, it is not losing at all. Recently, a leading derivative marketplace announced Micro Bitcoin futures, helping the crypto sector showcase its relevance. The platform will help investors avoid high costs to improve their crypto investment portfolio.

Another ray of hope shone for the crypto domain when a multinational finance corporation launched a data and analytics solution for digital assets. The product will streamline data and analytics tools to assist investors in steering through the digital circle.

The product gathers data from multiple sources like social media, news, trading, and network. The data is combined with the analytics toolkit to propose quality asset analysis. This way, traders and investors can make well-informed decisions to enhance their revenue proceedings.

INX also launched an ETH-based IPO (initial public offering) for a digital asset trading platform. The IPO generated over 85 million dollars through 7,200 investors. If executed properly, the platform will enhance the overall crypto and digital asset trading experience.

The DeFi sector is not falling behind either, as its total market cap amounts to a whopping 128 billion dollars now. Based on the ETH network, DeFi is now flourishing globally. As per reports, the Binance Chain will garner a TVL (total value locked) worth 38 billion dollars shortly.

The statement by Elon Musk has made the current market settings adverse for cryptocurrencies. However, the sector is not losing its speed. As per some reports, the DeFi sector continues to bloom in the US. Plus, the amount of crypto products launched by traditional financial chains continues to grow too. All this hints toward a bright future for the crypto industry, and most investors believe the same.


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