Customer Success Story: znappz Wins with Free SSL

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Who are znappz?

Znappz is a software developer in the UK and Norway that specializes in games and apps for mobile devices. For example , they are currently featuring an iPhone app called “Accounting Deadline” that gives you notice of deadlines and information about rates, taxes and government fees. They operate the web site


Comodo SSL – Great product, great service, and great price as well!
free sssl

We purchased a Comodo free SSL certificate for our domain hosted at a big hosting company, and got to know Comodo that way. We were not happy with the hosting, so we started to host our services ourselves. In just a couple of minutes, we were able to download a Free SSL trial certificate, and in-stalled it on our API server.

After using it for the trial time, we were so satisfied we went for the paid Comodo SSL Certificate for our servers. The transfer from the expired trial certificate to the production certificate was without any trouble, and the fantastic Comodo support department stood by us all the way when we had questions.

We really recommend Comodo and their services

G.J. Nilsen
VP Development

More About Comodo Free SSL

Why Free SSL?
Free SSL Certificate is perfect for those looking to instantly secure their web server with no cost or commitment. Free SSL prevents warning messages from appearing when visitors view your website and displays the gold padlock for security assurance.

If you are looking to test the functionality of an SSL certificate, how they work, or how to use them, then use our free 90 day SSL certificate and get a trusted https connection for your website. Along with this secure connection, our Free SSL certificate gives you the trusted gold padlock icon that assures your visitors that they are interacting on a se-cured domain, at absolutely no commitment or cost to you.

Getting Free SSL

Get your 90 day free trial SSL certificate in just a few minutes at:


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