Customisation at Scale for Enterprise IoT Connectivity | WeKnow Media

Customisation at Scale for Enterprise IoT Connectivity | WeKnow Media

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At various times over recent years it has confidently been predicted that cellular IoT connectivity would become a low cost commodity. Yet the greater diversity of connectivity needs for different types of IoT application has ensured that this is now further away than ever. Instead there is an increasing need for customisation, with high level needs such as bandwidth, coverage, latency and range tempered by a wide set of parameters including cost efficiency, data integrity, reliability, scalability and security taking precedence for different application types. As the breadth of IoT applications continues to expand, so too does the range of connectivity needs.

Sponsored by KORE Wireless, join this special event with experts from leading IoT companies to explore some of the most important issues right now in this fast-developing area, including:

  • IoT and security – what makes the SIM ideal?
  • How to enable Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) and why?
  • Why do we need iSIM as well as eSIM? Is it an ‘either or’ choice?
  • Cellular vs LoRaWAN: How to decide?
  • Customisation at scale: is this even possible?

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