CV139: Itai Galmor - BrandShield

CV139: Itai Galmor – BrandShield

Source Node: 2640373

Show support appreciated: Show Sponsor: Matthew, Alec, and Michel interview Itai Galmor, Chief Revenue Officer at BrandShield. We cover a variety of threats, scams, and cyber attacks lurking in the digital world today. Itai explains how companies like BrandShield can help you minimize and navigate the pitfalls. This interview with Itai adds some interesting perspective on how the battle against scams online is constant, and long with history, but there are concrete and helpful steps you can take everyday. Be careful out there. Listen on to learn more. Links for more info: Show Sponsor: Hosts: Matthew Mežinskis, Michel, Alec Harris
Music: New Friend Music
Site: Podcast & information
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