Data Leaks? Plug Them with MyDLP

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

Comodo has recently acquired MyDLP, a complete Data Loss Prevention (DLP) solution that provides Enterprise grade protection for organizations big and small. MyDLP is a proven product with a reputation for unmatched effectiveness in preventing network data leaks.

Data Leaks Plug Them with MyDLP

Why Data Loss Prevention?

Every day, we see headline news about high profile companies spending precious time, money and effort dealing with data breaches and network compromises. Company reputations have been damaged, the careers of their managers and staff have been disrupted and they must endure the scrutiny of the media and regulators.

These companies all had security measures in place intended to prevent just such an occurrence. Unfortunately, there were holes in their security that they had not plugged. MyDLP provides an additional layer of security that plugs data holes that other systems do not.

Criminal hackers prize all data that can personally identify an individual because it can be used for identity theft and financial fraud. New laws and regulations are increasingly holding businesses accountable for protecting such data, data that is also essential to business operations. You must protect all data in your organization, whether it is data in a database or data in the memory of a photocopier. Your data is your most valuable asset and it is at risk like never before.

Why MyDLP?

Prevention of data loss is a battle that needs to be fought on many levels. Malicious hackers want your data and will look to steal it from everywhere you operate. MyDLP provides data security for web, email, printers, removable devices and more. Your sensitive data will not leak out through network connections or endpoint devices.

With MyDLP, you can block any data flow containing credit card numbers, social security numbers or any sensitive information. Your customers will be more comfortable when sharing their personal and financial information with you. MyDLP provides data security for web, mail, printers, removable devices and more. Your sensitive data will not leak out through network connections or endpoint devices.

You train MyDLP with your private data files once, and MyDLP will protect them forever. No one will be able to transfer them outside your network.

Who Needs MyDLP?

Almost every organization could benefit from MyDLP. However, it is particularly popular in industries that must be compliant with increasingly strict government data security requirements. For example, healthcare security, supporting education institutions and financial institutions.

You can learn more at

How Can I Get MyDLP?

You can get started right away with a free Community Edition at The Community Edition is a free open source version, but Comodo does not provide support.

The Enterprise Edition is fully supported and available for download on a 30 day free trial at

You can also contact a representative at

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