Product Demonstration is an extremely key or integral component of marketing and training. 90% of Customers Want to See or Feel a Product Before Making a Purchase Decision.

It is extremely imperative that customers know exactly what they are purchasing, particularly when they are purchasing high value products. It is extremely imperative that organisations cater to the needs of the customer by offering demonstrations of products.

71% of customers believe that Extended Reality (XR) can help them make purchase decisions. 

Multiple sectors such as Manufacturing, Healthcare, Retail, Real-estate, and the Automotive Sector, have used XR to create great experiences that can be used in both B2B and B2C Sectors.

Demonstration Transforming : GoXR

Every child in the 1990’s and early 2000’s would have met or come across door-to-door salespeople demonstrating products ranging from simple household items to even complex electronics. People would often make purchases swayed by the demonstrations.

Organisations across the world have been using live demonstrations since time immemorial. Even now, it is important. However, the pandemic has made it extremely difficult for organisations to conduct such demonstrations.

GoXR aims to revolutionise this by offering AR and VR demonstrations that can help customers visualise and experience products before making a purchase.

Demonstration Manufacturing:

The manufacturing sector is amongst the biggest factors driving the economy of several nations. When used in the B2B setting to train new employees, it helps new technicians and salespeople better understand the product before making a sale. Similarly, in the case of product designers, it helps them transform their imagination into well-rendered 3D models that others can visualise too.

For instance, if a manufacturing company creates products such as gears or engines, they can send the AR demonstration video to automotive companies to help them better understand the features of the product.

This in turn will help them make a purchase decision. They will be able to better understand the product they are looking at and may not have to invest in sample pieces just to understand the functionality of the product.

Automotive Industry:

The automotive industry spends over 6 billion dollars annually on providing product demonstrations and stands to benefit greatly by using GoXR.

For instance, a company can choose to make holographic demonstrations of a particular car appear on the screen of potential customers. The customer can change the colour and look of the car by personalising it in line with their desires.

Similarly, demonstrations that show the entire functionality of the vehicle (and not just merely the aesthetic aspects) can be facilitated using GoXR. For instance, if someone wants a crew of vehicles to be personalised in accordance with their needs, a VR based experience can be created wherein they will get the feel of being seated in an actual car can be created.

XR based demonstration can also be used to train new employees on the fitting, demonstration, and assembly process. This helps them understand the steps and delivers a gamified and more importantly comprehensible experience for the candidates.

Real Estate:

Real estate is amongst the most lucrative investment options for High-Net-worth Individuals (HNI) and other people alike. Many people do not want to purchase an apartment in a building without having much or any clarity on the final appearance of the building.

With GoXR, customers needed just see buildings. They can walk through it and notice the nitty gritty features or subtleties, just like they would in a real building. This can help influence their purchase decisions.

Additionally, GoXR can also be used to curate and create 3600 view videos on the product to enable people to see the building in 3D from another external point. This helps them see the micro and macro-architecture of the building and drives better customer satisfaction.

In fact, using AR a 3D model of a home can even be rendered and viewed on a screen in real time. These 3D models may be used to make CAD models which can later be used in construction.


In 2020 alone, over 100 million users used XR to help them with their purchase needs while shopping.

While some used it knowingly, others did so unaware that they were using AR. However, one thing that stood out from the responses of most customers was that they loved the experience and were yearning for more of it.

XR demonstration in retail is a goldmine for it can be used to attract customers to a brand. From furniture to clothes and even accessories, GoXR can be used to create experiences wherein the customer can virtually try the product in real time. This will help them determine whether the product will fit (in the case of clothes), be suitable for the surroundings (furniture) and so on. This has the potential to impact marketing positively.

The GoXR Advantage:

The advantages of GoXR are many and cannot be underestimated.

The advantages or benefits offered include:

  • Higher customer satisfaction and loyalty
  • Reduced demonstration costs
  • Reduced spend on logistics and operations
  • Higher interaction amongst users

Here are some of the cool applications we have and can create: Engaging product visualization, Immersive marketing, Realistic 3D Product Breakdown and Interactive Product Catalogues.

Create an unparalleled buyer experience!