Doodles NFT Face Skepticism from Twitter Influencer Aaron Sage

Doodles NFT Face Skepticism from Twitter Influencer Aaron Sage

Source Node: 2018206


  • Aaron Sage issues a cautionary message about investing in Doodles NFTs.
  • The founder of Doodles shifts focus away from NFTs, causing controversy.
  • Aaron accused Doodles founders of misleading supporters with a promising vision.

Recent reports allege that the investment community was taken aback when Aaron Sage, a prominent personality on Twitter, issued a cautionary message about Doodles, a series of around 10,000 non-fungible tokens (NFTs). Sage’s tweet claimed that Doodles is a “rug” and investing in them would lead to financial loss.

According to OpenSea’s data, Doodles, the NFT project, currently holds around 250k ETH and is valued at an estimated $704 million. In late 2022, the project raised $54 million in VC funding. However, recent statements from the founder revealed that the project is no longer focused on NFTs, despite initially using investors’ support to promote its brand.

To put it another way, Aaron drew an analogy to illustrate that the decision to shift the focus of the Doodles project is comparable to an announcement by Ferrari that they will no longer operate as a car company but instead will switch to a construction company.

In light of recent events, Aaron accused Poppie, the founder of Doodles, and his team of being manipulative and greedy individuals who misled their supporters with a promising vision, only to abandon it at the end of the day.

Despite some users’ reservations, some find it admirable that @poopie and his fellow founders aim to take their brand beyond being just a project on the blockchain. Nonetheless, it remains to be seen whether they can effectively implement their strategies and achieve widespread acceptance beyond the realm of cryptocurrency enthusiasts.

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