DPU Demo on Alveo Data Center Accelerator cards

Source Node: 1849382

We have mostly discussed the DPU for use with edge AI applications. If you are wondering if the DPU can also be used for Data Center or on-premise AI applications, the answer is yes!

We recently demonstrated the DPU on an Alveo data center acceleration card at the CVPR 2019 conference.

We showed a Resnet50 demo which runs on the Alveo U250 data center accelerator card with an industry-leading mixed precision implementation. This demo used Int8/Int2 activation and Int8/Ternary weights. 

With the DPU design optimized for the Alveo U250 data center accelerator card, it can run Resnet50 @ 5100+ fps and around 3ms latency with batch size of 16. By comparison, with batch size of 32, Nvidia T4 runs Resnet50 @ 4600+ fps (6.8ms latency!)

The demo screenshot is shown below.


Source: https://forums.xilinx.com/t5/AI-and-Machine-Learning-Blog/DPU-Demo-on-Alveo-Data-Center-Accelerator-cards/ba-p/1008489

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