Dragalia Lost – 6/23/2021 current events

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Dragalia Lost – 6/23/2021 current events

Posted on June 23, 2021 by in Mobile, News

Check out what’s new in Dragalia Lost:

  • Events in celebration of the 1,000-Day anniversary, including 1,000-day anniversary upgrade events, started on June 21, 11 PM PT.
  • 1,000-day anniversary upgrade events, including a special adventurer upgrade event for every element and a double drops and half-stamina event for main campaign quests, started June 21, 11 PM PT.
  • Kamuy’s Trial and Thor’s Trial became available in Trials of the Mighty in Dragalia Lost on June 22, 11 PM PT. Take on these quests with a team of specific adventurers to earn materials for unlocking mana spirals from the daily bonus. 

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Source: https://nintendoeverything.com/dragalia-lost-6-23-2021-current-events/

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