DragGAN AI photo editor is coming for the Photoshop’s throne

DragGAN AI photo editor is coming for the Photoshop’s throne

Source Node: 2669607

When it comes to editing photos, the upcoming AI-powered DragGAN will be a game-changer. In a matter of seconds, you can change an image’s form, position, expression, or layout using the DragGAN AI photo editor. So does that mean Photoshop can rest in peace now? Keep reading and find out!

In this article, we’ll explain what DragGAN AI photo editor is, how you may use it to enhance your photos, and everything you should know about the new revolutionary AI tool.

What is DragGAN AI photo editor?

Researchers have released a paper detailing their new photo editor, DragGAN, which uses AI to allow users to modify photos interactively. By dragging and dropping points on the image, users of the DragGAN AI photo editor can easily make changes to the image. To learn the structure of pictures and apply this knowledge to editing the images, DragGAN employs a generative adversarial network (GAN).

DragGAN stands for “Drag-based Generative Adversarial Network.” It is a type of AI model that can generate realistic images based on your input. Unlike traditional image editing tools that only distort or crop existing pixels, DragGAN can create new content that matches your intention. For example, if you drag the mouth of a person in a photo to make them smile, DragGAN AI photo editor will not only stretch the lips but also generate teeth and adjust the facial expression accordingly.

“Through DragGAN, anyone can deform an image with precise control over where pixels go, thus manipulating the pose, shape, expression, and layout of diverse categories such as animals, cars, humans, landscapes, etc. As these manipulations are performed on the learned generative image manifold of a GAN, they tend to produce realistic outputs even for challenging scenarios such as hallucinating occluded content and deforming shapes that consistently follow the object’s rigidity” from DragGAN paper.

The DragGAN AI team claims the process takes only a few seconds on an RTX 3090 GPU. This paves the way for real-time, collaborative editing sessions, which may rapidly iterate between alternative layouts until the desired result is reached.

To operate, DragGAN AI photo editor relies on movable, interactive points that can possibly be placed anywhere in the picture. You can then edit the image by dragging these points to new positions or shapes. If you make any modifications to a picture with DragGAN, the image will be updated immediately without losing any of its high quality or uniform appearance. By moving the points along the various axes, the picture may be rotated as though it were a 3D model.

What is DragGAN AI photo editor with examples? Learn how to use DragGAN AI editing tool and explore its benefits & limitations. Keep reading...
AI photo editors have revolutionized the way we enhance and edit images by providing powerful and automated tools that save time and effort

With only a few clicks and a little dragging, you can make any image seem completely different, thanks to DragGAN. It has a wide range of potential uses, including but not limited to the creation of memes, cartoons, portraits, logos, posters, flyers, and more. The ability of DragGAN AI photo editor to produce photorealistic graphics from scratch is a remarkable example of the power of artificial intelligence.

Here are some examples of what you can do with DragGAN:

  • Change the shape and size of a car by dragging its wheels, doors, windows, or hood.
  • Change the pose and expression of a person by dragging their head, arms, legs, eyes, or mouth.
  • Change the layout and perspective of a landscape by dragging the mountains, trees, water, or sky.

If you are looking for a way to make quick and easy edits to your images, then DragGAN AI photo editor is worth checking out.

Here are some of the benefits of using DragGAN:

  • It is easy to use. Anyone can use DragGAN, regardless of their level of experience with image editing.
  • It is powerful. DragGAN AI photo editor  can be used to make a variety of edits to images, including changing the expression on a person’s face, changing the pose of an object, or even adding or removing objects from an image.
  • It is free to use. DragGAN AI photo editor is a free tool, for now, that anyone can use.
  • It is an easy-to-use AI image editing tool.

Here are some of the limitations of DragGAN:

  • It is still under development. This means that there may be some bugs or limitations.
  • It can only be used to edit images. It cannot be used to edit videos or other types of files for now.
  • It is not as powerful as some other AI image editing tools. However, it is still a powerful tool that can be used to make a variety of edits to images.
What is DragGAN AI photo editor with examples? Learn how to use DragGAN AI editing tool and explore its benefits & limitations. Keep reading...
With DragGAN AI photo editor, even users with minimal editing skills can achieve professional-looking results

Overall, DragGAN AI photo editor is a great option for anyone who wants to make quick and easy edits to their images. But first, you should learn how to use it.

How to use DragGAN AI photo editor?

To use DragGAN, simply upload an image to it and then start dragging and dropping points on the image. DragGAN AI photo editor will automatically generate a new image with the edits applied. You can then preview the new image and make further edits if necessary.

Tools, brushes, and layers are not what DragGAN AI photo editor is about. Instead, you earn points by clicking on certain parts of a photo. Then, when you drag your finger, your “purpose” is carried out.

What is DragGAN AI photo editor with examples? Learn how to use DragGAN AI editing tool and explore its benefits & limitations. Keep reading...
The accessibility of AI photo editors has democratized the field of image editing, making it available to a larger audience, including hobbyists, bloggers, and social media enthusiasts

However, to use the DragGAN AI photo editor, you have to wait for its release.

DragGAN AI photo editor release date

DragGAN AI photo editor is still under development and has no release date for now. But, on Github, it is said that June 2023 may be the release date.

This part will be updated when the official release date is announced.

Meanwhile, you can try its unofficial implementations.

DragGAN paper

For more information about the DragGAN AI photo editor, click here and see the DragGAN paper.

DragGAN AI photo editor is a powerful tool that can be used to make a variety of edits to images. For example, you can use DragGAN to change the expression on a person’s face, change the pose of an object, or even add or remove objects from an image.

Photoshop needs to catch the AI revolution

More and more people are familiar with generative artificial intelligence tools like ChatGPT, Stable Diffusion, Midjourney, and DALL-E. There has been a recent uptick in the number of companies concentrating on specialized AI tools catering to specific applications while big tech firms compete to create the most advanced large language models and incorporate them into various software and online services.

These applications’ almost miraculous capacity to create pertinent pictures or text based on basic instructions is what draws in users. Nonetheless, occasional failures serve as a reminder that AI has not yet achieved complete creative parity with humans. To improve the quality of their output, many of these technologies require human supervision and rely on training data that was created by humans.

What is DragGAN AI photo editor with examples? Learn how to use DragGAN AI editing tool and explore its benefits & limitations. Keep reading...
AI photo editors offer a wide range of creative options, such as artistic filters, style transfer, and automated cropping, giving users the ability to experiment and express their vision

When DragGAN AI photo editor is added to the list, does Photoshop have a chance to survive? We have to wait to see that for now.

Oh, are you new to AI, and everything seems too complicated? Keep reading…

Image courtesy: DragGAN

AI 101

You can still get on the AI train! We have created a detailed AI glossary for the most commonly used artificial intelligence terms and explain the basics of artificial intelligence as well as the risks and benefits of AI. Feel free the use them. Learning how to use AI is a game changer! AI models will change the world.

In the next part, you can find the best AI tools to use to create AI-generated content and more.

What is DragGAN AI photo editor with examples? Learn how to use DragGAN AI editing tool and explore its benefits & limitations. Keep reading...
The continuous advancements in AI photo editing technology promise exciting possibilities for the future, such as real-time editing, intelligent object recognition, and enhanced scene manipulation, further expanding the creative potential of digital photography

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