Earn 3,190,000,000% with TITAN-MATIC using Polycat’s Vault

Source Node: 918911

3.19B% APY sound good to you? Sounds good to me!

Image found on https://cheezburger.com/9537111040/nothing-on-these-cats
  1. Add Matic Network to your Metamask wallet.

Another day, another high interest rate revelation!

I thought it was a big deal that my friend was making 1 Billion % APY on her TITAN-IRON LP farm using Iron Finance.

That’s until I was introduced to Polycat.

3.17B%, jfc!

Look at that “B” next to the 3.17. That really stands for “Billion” as in billions of percent. The interesting thing is that it doesn’t reward you in their native token FISH, but in the tokens that the pairs are created out of, in this case MATIC-TITAN.

Also, as a Vault, it does this all for you. All you have to do is watch your total number of LP rise — Automagically!

As a test I deposited $8,886.46 worth of LP and waited an hour. My LP increased from 582.61 to 583.715, or by 1.11 in LP. Each LP at the time of the test was worth approximately $15.25 for a single hour gain of $16.88.

I know what you may be thinking, “What’s the big deal, that’s like making $33,760 per year.”

Well, that’s if you’re talking a worker working 8 hour days, with weekends and holidays off. Here, we talkin’ ‘bout Crypto, which runs 24 HOURS per day.

So $16.88 per hour in 24 hrs is…$405.18. Per month it’s $12,155.27. Per year…$147,889.15.

But that’s just a straight calculation. That only amounts to a 1,564% increase by the end of the year.

So, what gives?

The key to unlocking the B in the 3.19B % is in how crypto vaults do compounding. It used to be I would withdraw harvests once a day, then throw the earnings back into the farm to increase the stake which the going interest would run against. The next day I would repeat.

In the case of vaults they automate this.

And in the case of Polycat’s MATIC-TITAN vault, their highest paying Liquidity Pair, they compound your stake every minute.

So, every 60 seconds, as regular as a heartbeat, your stake is multiplied against .00334% (4.82% interest per day divided by 1440 minutes in a day), then added to your original stake. And the next minute another round of interest is added to the increasingly higher stake pile.

The straight line hockey stick interest rate turns into a lightning bolt!

Photo from: https://iamstoic.home.blog/2019/05/28/the-8th-wonder-of-the-world/

All things being equal, if the price remained the same, if the interest remained the same, a stake of $1,000 at the end of the year would equal $31,900,000,000.00.

That’s an insane amount. And…unlikely. The more people in the farm the more the interest rate will drop. The reason is that the tokens are distributed to each participant according to their percentage of the stake.

Alternatively, the more people get into the farm, the higher the price of Matic and Titan will rise as investors need to purchase the tokens in order to create the LP pair to take advantage of the high interest rate.

It’s a virtuous cycle.

The more investors get into this, the lower the percentage goes, but the higher the token price rises. The token’s price will likely rise in response.

Priced to perfection.

From: https://www.livecoinwatch.com/price/IRONTitaniumToken-_TITAN

The danger is investors pulling out their LP at any sign of a dip. It’s the fear of IL, or “Impermanent Loss,” an unfortunate and awkward term that, if applied, eventually leads to “PL” or Permanent Loss. It’s what happens when you think you are rich because the percentage is so high, but secretly you are actually poor because the underlying token’s price has cratered to nearly nothing.

3B% of zero is still zero

In the past month, though, each dip has been filled and the token price has risen higher, often in the span of 10 minutes.

If you are still sitting on the sidelines, just remember that there’s an opportunity cost in waiting, especially where compounding is concerned, and out of the many polygon opportunities, be that Beefy Finance, Iron Finance, et al, so far this has been the highest APY out of the bunch.

More crypto investors are getting into Polygon/Matic network, especially with the congestion and high eth gas prices on the Ethereum network. But even with high gas fees, Polygon is still in the geek, WOW world of niche cryptodom. Traders have just discovered BSC and Degen farming for godssakes. Figuring out another chain is one more step beyond!

But for those on the hunt for alpha, it’s hard to pass up a billion percent in APY, not to mention 3 billion…;)

Source: https://medium.com/cryptozoa/earn-3-190-000-000-with-titan-matic-using-polycats-vault-1857b9740237?source=rss——-8—————–cryptocurrency

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Time Stamp: Oct 1, 2021