Fantom Blockchain to aid in the Modernization of Uzbekistan’s Technological Infrastructure

Source Node: 911489

Uzbekistan’s Government IT infrastructure is about to upgrade through the partnership between Elyar Ganiev and the AG Mentors Group. This joint venture will promote Fantom blockchain applications in Uzbekistan. AG Mentors Group is a consulting firm that aims at helping its clients through the development of technology in the information and energy sectors.

Uzbekistan is amid a digital transformation, as this partnership is just the tip of the iceberg. Elyar Ganiev, the founder of AG Mentors group and former Deputy Prime Minister and former Minister of Foreign Economic Affairs, Investments, has a well-versed background that offers Fantom knowledge of Uzbekistan’s markets and working with global agencies. Fantom is the ideal solution for modernization as the blockchain platform possesses instantaneous transaction speeds and minimal fees. This platform is user-friendly and suitable for government and business use.

“We are sincerely glad to welcome Fantom Foundation in Uzbekistan! The introduction of digital technologies, the creation of e-government, and the provision of digital public services are key priorities of the government for further reforming Uzbekistan. Uzbekistan is a country with great economic potential, which opens up wide opportunities for active cooperation between Uzbekistan and Fantom.” – Elyar Ganiev, Founder of AG Mentors, and former Uzbekistan Minister of Foreign Economic Affairs, Investments, and Trade.

In 2020, President Shavkat Mirziyoyvev declared his agenda “Strategy for Digital Uzbekistan” to upgrade and implement digital technologies into government services and the economic sector. The goal by 2030 is to have both digital ID card systems implemented and further investments in IT education and services. This will further aid the country in its pursuit of modernization of public services.

“On behalf of the Fantom team, I am thrilled to be working with Mr. Ganiev and AG Mentors, whose advocacy of a green, digital economy resonates with core Fantom values. The group at AG Mentors is dynamic, and together, we look to help drive the Uzbekistan Government initiative to extend digital, public services across the nation. Fantom is built to be an open and accessible platform, and if we leverage this technology to connect populations with administrative offices and services to which they currently don’t have access, that would be especially gratifying.” 

– Barek Sekandari, COO Fantom Foundation.

Fantom aims at creating technology that is secure, decentralized, and scalable. This is ideal for both business and government use as it provides a secure platform for government technologies and its low cost and fast transaction speeds. In the race for innovation, the best will always come out on top, and that is just what you get through this collaboration between Elyar Ganiev and the AG Mentors Group.


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