Fed Repeats Inflation Nonsense But Stays the Course For Now

Source Node: 1875616

Tapering Nonsense

Statement Tracker

The Fed hardly changed any words compared to July 28 as the WSJ Statement Tracker shows.

Fed Statement Tracker 2021-09

Here is the official Press Release

Repeated Nonsense

There’s a bit more, all unrevised except the date at the end.

The Fed repeated its message of letting inflation run above 2% to make up for inflation running below 2% previously. 

Of course, the Fed does not consider housing, stock market bubbles, nor junk bond bubbles in its measure of inflation.



Tapering is not a reduction in the Fed’s balance sheet, it is a slowing of the addition to the Fed’s balance sheet.

While the Fed continues to expand its balance sheet by $120 billion a month, it is simultaneously reducing its balance sheet via Reverse Repos.

I will do an update on this asinine arrangement by the Fed later today. We have hit new record highs thus the Fed is already tapering in practice. 

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Source: https://mishtalk.com/economics/fed-repeats-inflation-nonsense-but-stays-the-course-for-now

Time Stamp:

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