Filing Tax Returns | Look for the Green Browser Bar | Comodo Security

Filing Tax Returns | Look for the Green Browser Bar | Comodo Security

Source Node: 3005546

Reading Time: 1 minute

Comodo advises taxpayers who file individual income tax returns online through an Authorized IRS e-file provider to be sure that the web site that collects their personal tax information is protected by an Extended Validation (EV) SSL Certificate. The IRS strongly encourages Authorized e-file providers who participate in online filing of individual income tax returns to implement the new standards, including Extended Validation (EV) SSL certificates to encrypt taxpayer private information. New IRS e-file security and privacy standards

“Look for a green browser bar instead of a green eyeshade,” said Melih Abdulhayoglu, CEO and Chief Security Architect at Comodo. When a website’s communications are encrypted by EV SSL, the browser bars in most major browsers turn green.

Only online businesses that can demonstrate their business identity according to the Extended Validation standard can be authorized to receive an EV SSL certificate. You may not like paying taxes, but you can avoid even greater pain if you always check for the Green Bar!

Comodo CA is the second-largest issuer of high-assurance digital certificates such as the EV SSL certificate. For more information, visit

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