Fintech News Network: The First Media Company in Asia Going for a 4-Day Workweek

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Fintech News Network (FNN), who runs dedicated Fintech News Hubs, has become one of the first media outlets to implement a four-day workweek.

The move comes as the company looks to improve work-life balance for its employees and meet the demands of a 24/7 news cycle. The four-day workweek is part of a trend catching fire in Europe and elsewhere, with reputable companies in many countries jumping on the bandwagon. For the most part, employees in these organisations will work four days a week, with the same pay and benefits as before and the same workload.

The aim is to streamline efficiency and productivity, with companies in countries like Belgium, the United Kingdom, Japan, and Iceland reporting “extremely successful” trials after studying the impact of shorter work hours on businesses’ productivity and the well-being of their workers.

Free Fridays for Fintech News Network

Founder of Fintech News Network, Christian König, said that the decision was made to “support the team’s physical and mental wellbeing.” The fintech reporting hub has found Friday to be a traditionally slow news day and opted to designate Fridays as a non-workday, initially in a trial phase, with an eye towards making it official company policy should the initiative prove successful.

König said that by prioritising all work tasks between Monday and Thursday, the staff exhibited wellness gains from having Fridays off, optimised workflows efficiently, and functioned more productively on the other four days. He added that the move would help the company attract and retain top talent as one of the preeminent and progressive fintech media companies. The company also offers fully flexible virtual work since 2015.

Christian konig

Christian König

“As a fully virtual company we started with a test phase, where we initially worked 50 percent on a Friday and asked for feedback. The feedback was positive, so we became the first media company in Asia to implement a four-day workweek,”

the founder said.

“We are now in the second month into it, and we are more productive during the week and have time to enjoy our personal lives outside work.” the founder said.

Under the new schedule, the team will work from Monday to Thursday, with Friday being a designated day for rest. The FNN ecosystem of partners will be notified of the change in company policy, including mentions of Fridays off in company ‘Out of Office’ emails and in the footer of email correspondence. However, team members occasionally work in urgent, exceptional circumstances on a Friday.

One such example was during the Digital Banking Licence announcement by Bank Negara Malaysia, which happened to fall on a Friday at 5 pm before the Labour Day public holiday in the country. On-time FNN was already on a 50 percent Friday workload, and the afternoon was supposed to be off.

“The editorial and graphic team under Senior Editor Vincent Fong still managed to handle the announcement, and Fintech News Network was one of the first media outlets to publish the Digital Banking licence news,”

said König, who also praised and lauded his team for their dedication and enthusiasm. This was an exception, as the editorial team had been waiting on this news for months.

Fintech News Network is also the media partner for Singapore Fintech Festival and will be on the ground at the event from November 2 to 4, covering all the latest news and announcements. Contact us in case you want to meet.

If you’re interested in fintech and want to stay up-to-date on the latest developments, Fintech News Network is the place to be. Fintech News Network lists open vacancies in its Fintech Jobs section.

About Fintech News Network

Launched in 2014, the Fintech News Network team strives hard to deliver fintech-centric content in various forms to an informed audience looking for updates on fintech news, studies, events and webinars. The network is present in major fintech hubs around the world, including Singapore, Switzerland, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Philippines, Baltic and Middle East.

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