Free Cryptocurrency and a Brilliant Browser, What’s Not To Like?

Source Node: 910406

Forget about Chrome, don’t even mention Internet Explorer. These familiar browsers are things of the past, relics that are just too outdated to use. The new kid on the block has arrived and is shaking the whole concept of internet use on its head.

Brave is a quiet revolution, everyone who uses it never returns to the medieval ways of before. Bye, bye Firefox, it was fun while it lasted, but a truly superior alternative has come my way.

Brave browser uses a cryptocurrency called Basic Attention Token (BAT). Brave filters out all ads that aren’t aligned with their policies (privacy is super important to them) and leaves you with a select few. They then pay you for viewing these ads. They’re just normal ads. No videos or any other silly business. It takes just one second to view. Here’s an example of a Brave mobile app ad:

Image captured by the author.

These ads come to your phone via notifications.

This is an ad on the desktop browser:

Image captured by the author

The amount people make from Brave varies depending on how much you use it and how many ads you view. You can increase your earnings by opting to receive the maximum amount of ads each day. Of course, you still have to click on the ad to open the link and earn crypto. You don’t have to share your details or buy anything. Simply click, then earn.

Brave claims you can earn $224 in 2020. They have released no figures for 2021, but presumably it’s more (as the price of BAT rises). Reddit users shared their earnings on Brave last year. Many reported earning 20+ BAT per month, others claimed to earn 300 or more BAT in a year.

At current prices, this is about $200 to $300 a year for doing absolutely nothing that you wouldn’t have done, anyway. If you are happy to play the long game and hold your BAT, you will benefit as the price increases.

Image captured by the author

The above chart is of the BAT/USDT pair and shows a price increase of over 2000%. Sure it’s gone down since its peak, but It’s still trading at 0.7 of a dollar. This is a sweet increase from its low in 2020 of 0.06.

I see no reason not to make this simple change. You continue using the internet like you would have anyway (in fact the experience is better) and earn. It’s a win-win.

The features are exceptional:

  • A highly effective ad blocker, you can watch all your favourite YouTube videos without ever seeing a single annoying ad. It’s like YouTube premium, without the premium. It’s not just YouTube, it’s any website, it’s all add free now.
  • The Brave browser blocks out trackers and respects your privacy.
  • It’s efficient too. Saving both bandwidth and time. Brave tracks how many ads and trackers have been blocked, how much bandwidth has been saved, and how many hours you’ve saved too. The image below is from my Brave browser. This nicely displayed metric shows that I have saved almost 4 hours of my time and almost 5GB of data. An astounding 268,261 ads and trackers have been blocked.
Image captured by the author
  • If you want to give back to your favourite content creators, you can opt to make a monthly contribution (in BAT) to their websites or channels. This is you sharing your BAT with creators you love.
  • It has a news feature too (see image below). You can stay up to date through this browser.
Image captured by the author

Currently Brave lacks its own search engine. I’ve got Google with mine, which is okay, but it would be better to use something more consistent with their ethos. So they are currently developing their own search engine. Soon the Brave browser will be complete.

I love Brave and hope you do too!

What are your thoughts on Brave?

Let me know how much you earn with Brave!

June 2021

Delilah Brass


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